java Programming Glossary: settitle
the images are not loading fish Aquarium set the title and assign tracker object setTitle The Aquarium tracker new MediaTracker this add images to the..
How to set output stream to TextArea javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setTitle Evolution X 639 setBounds new java.awt.Rectangle 0 0 400 450..
Android color picker to be included in the activity new ColorPickerView getContext l mInitialColor setTitle Pick a Color You have to choose the color and click the center.. null layout.setBackgroundColor Color.WHITE setView layout setTitle Choose a Color setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info mColorPicker.. new AlertDialog.Builder MainActivity.this editalert.setTitle Please Enter the name with which you want to Save final EditText..
Converting JSON to Java public List Data getGroups return groups public void setTitle String title this.title title public void setId Long id
How to handle MaxUploadSizeExceededException fileData public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title public CommonsMultipartFile getFileData..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC 250 public View String name int w int h Model m model m setTitle name setSize w h setResizable false this.setLayout new BorderLayout..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java
How can you search Google Programmatically Java API public void setUrl String url this.url url public void setTitle String title this.title title public String toString return..
How can i catch Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) exceptions? its labels from a bundle file in the constructor like this setTitle bundle.getString MyJFrame.title And i deleted the key MyJFrame.title..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser docs private String language public Channel setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor public void.. items public Items getItems return items public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getTitle return.. private String description private String link public Item setTitle null setDescription null setLink null public void setTitle String..
How to make a JButton in a JTable cell click-able? 600 400 pack setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE setTitle Active Table setVisible true public static void main String..
java wait cursor display problem Cursor change cursorPanel getContentPane .add tabbedPane setTitle Cursor test setSize 400 400 setDefaultCloseOperation javax.swing.JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE.. Cursor change cursorPanel getContentPane .add tabbedPane setTitle Cursor test setSize 400 400 setDefaultCloseOperation javax.swing.JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE..
Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line settings setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setTitle Spelling Trainer setResizable false setVisible true Panel of..
Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime setPreferredSize new Dimension 300 300 setTitle Remove Dialog On Runtime setLocation 150 150 pack setVisible.. pack setVisible true private DialogRemove setTitle SecondDialog contID setLocation top left top 20 left 20 setPreferredSize.. DialogClose extends JDialog public DialogClose int i this.setTitle Dialog String.valueOf i this.setPreferredSize new Dimension..
Drawing rectangles on a JPanel final long serialVersionUID 1L public CustomComponent setTitle Custom Component Graphics2D setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..