java Programming Glossary: principles
What goes into the “Controller” in “MVC”? I'm specifically thinking Java but I suppose the same principles apply elsewhere . I organise my code into 3 packages called..
How to draw a clock with JavaFX 2? timeline. I created a sample app implementing the above principles. Update In response to criticism of the coding style used in..
Give Java application a Metro Look and Feel in Windows 8 [closed] Internet explorer. After exploring throught the metro apps principles i want to give my application users an extra benefit of using..
Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java? he felt that friend was a mistake because it violates OOP principles. Packages provide a reasonable way to organize components without..
How do I call one constructor from another in Java?
Unresponsive threading involving Swing and AWT-EventQueue The reason is fairly straightforward to derive from first principles. Consider a system similar to the one described by the OP having..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC of a much simpler game that illustrates similar principles. Note that the Model manages a single Piece chosen at random...
Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java you always Code To Interfaces In Java I understand the principles of Coding to Interfaces to decouple the implementation from..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream at the moment so I replaced bin bash with cmd.exe but the principles should be the same and I found that after typing in two lines..
What is reflection, and why is it useful? I'm particularly interested in Java but I assume the principles are the same in any language java reflection share improve..
What are the big improvements between guava and apache equivalent libraries? and the developers adhere to very good IMO API design principles having learned from past mistakes of the JDK APIs not their..
Word Wrap in JButtons when to do a line break. It uses a JLabel but the same principles apply to any component that will render HTML.
Java Regex Helper is all Java regexes are. You have to start over from first principles the way Groovy did. Sure it might work for very limited applications..
Runnable with a parameter? like the following without violating fundamental OO principles private Runnable mOneShotTask new Runnable String str public..
Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime classes in your class under test. Have a look at the SOLID principles to understand why this could be a problem especially in this..
How to create immutable objects in Java? have changed its IMMUTABLE This class adheres to all the principles of good immutable classes. All the members are private final..
Properly closing SSLSocket is just that an abstraction. In line with the OOP design principles SSLSocket inherits Socket and tries to stick as closely as possible..
how the subString() function of string class works not affect the newly created string. Following good OO principles no method of String actually requires that it is implemented..
How to simulate a DB for testing (Java)? you know there are 542 rows in that table One of the main principles in testing is to be able to test the functionality in a way..