java Programming Glossary: presumably
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? such as Number of processors or cores or logical threads presumably available to the JVM by the Runtime.availableProcessors method...
Converting a JFreeChart TimeSeries series with Day data to Week or Month data? a way to avoid coding that. If it's been done in a library presumably all the gotchas gotten I would rather use that. The raw data..
How to redirect to the homepage if the user accesses the login page after being logged in? the below too but the Principal object is always null presumably because of the security none attribute again. @RequestMapping..
What is an “internal address” in Java? number. Of the remaining methods one returns a constant presumably for testing one returns sequential numbers and the rest are..
Java extend enum do this in Java. Aside from anything else d would then presumably be an instance of A given the normal idea of extends but users..
Getting a 'No thread-bound request found' error from spring in my web app function above i don't get the error because presumably spring doesn't bother creating a session if the action doesn't..
Managing constructors with many parameters in Java 1.4 Mr Hand .buildStudent If we leave off a required field presumably name is required then we can have the Student constructor will..
How do I fade an image in swing? panel image and then fade it out when an event fires. I presumably set up a thread and fire off the animation but how do I do actually..
Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT? above. The presenter controlling the hierarchy would presumably also send a message to the server making sure that the deleted..
How to use GWT 2.1 Data Presentation Widgets Presentation Widgets . 2.1M is available for download and presumably the widgets are included but no documentation has yet surfaced...
Unresponsive threading involving Swing and AWT-EventQueue This includes calls from Swing event handlers which presumably update some model based on user interaction and this model is..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) just happens that Java happens to make the default smaller presumably so that the programmer can't create programs that have runaway..
How to set a timer in java minutes the task will actually continue to run although presumably a database or network connection will eventually time out and..
Can I change my Windows desktop wallpaper programmatically in Java/Groovy? some nuances in XP but I think it should work. That API is presumably stable. References Setting Wallpaper Coding4Fun How to determine..
What does the “J” in JApplet mean? Originally swing was called JFC Java Foundation Classes... presumably the J came from that. IFC from Netscape was the foundation for..
Java: Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception? an SSL connection with some IRC servers but not others presumably due to the server's preferred encryption method I get the following..
How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit
Barcode Scanner implementation on Java program. Would the Scanner be able to read from a barcode presumably printed off online and store it into a variable If so is it..
Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? this would mean for languages that don't want this concept presumably VB.NET for example . Of course that's the business we are in..
debug JSP from eclipse Eclipse while the app is running under JBoss in my case . Presumably it's reasonably straightforward to debug the servlet class that's..
Copy directory from a jar file I think your approach of using a zip file makes sense. Presumably you'll do a getResourceAsStream to get at the internals of the..
How to sort Arraylist of objects 2nd Edition Item 12 Consider implementing Comparable . Presumably hockey isn't a sport where a player can score goals in the amount..
How to Increment a class Integer references value in java from another method calling method. EDIT To answer your update that's right. Presumably your MyIntegerObj type is mutable and changes its internal state..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? cache ultimateAnswer System.out.format 6 9 d 6 9 6 9 42 Presumably the API designers realize how abusable setAccessible can be..
Why people are so afraid of using clone() (on collection and JDK classes)? And then what Potential subclasses cannot be trusted. Presumably a subclass would have different behaviour in some way. It requires..
Is it bad to explicitly compare against boolean constants e.g. if (b == false) in Java? Is it always better to instead write if b ... while b ... Presumably there is no difference in performance or is there but how do..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? names contains something that isn't an instanceof String . Presumably if you want names to contain only String you could perhaps still..
Remove duplicates from a list equals Object on the Customer class appropriately. Presumably there is some key let us call it customerId that uniquely identifies..
Why does the JVM still not support tail-call optimization? doesn't require that this transformation be made. Presumably one reason it is not a requirement is that in general the transformation..
Can you get basic GC stats in Java? using GarbageCollectorMXBean to print out GC stats. Presumably you would call this method periodically e.g. scheduling using..
How do you handle Socket Disconnecting in Java? new clients java sockets share improve this question Presumably you're reading from the socket perhaps using a wrapper over..
add values to enum things though so I thought it might be possible some way. Presumably it could be hacked up via reflection not that you'd every actually..
What is the lifecycle and concurrency semantics of Rhino Script Engine implementations generated using Invocable.getInterface ... Presumably objects placed in Bindings follow Java's garbage collection... JavaScript and look at Groovy for a more scriptable Java. Presumably objects placed in Bindings follow Java's garbage collection...
Need to generate HMAC SHA256 hash in Objective C as in Java to 32 bit signed integers before converting them to hex. Presumably the correct hmac is 4ed8ce7cc4c71b2f72dc21a1e0e62d32550b0771296b9c1159de86759928654c..
Finding AWS ElastiCache endpoints with Java the DNS address and port for the Cache Node endpoint. Presumably this actually targets setShowCacheNodeInfo which is An optional..
How do I add the new currency code to Java? in my app without having to write my own Currency class. Presumably there's some kind of list somewhere inside the JVM install...