

java Programming Glossary: preserved

Java HttpServletRequest get URL in browsers URL bar


However be aware that this information is only preserved for internally dispatched requests. If you have a front end..

Why does Java implicitly (without cast) convert a `long` to a `float`?


do not lose any information at all the numeric value is preserved exactly. Conversions widening from float to double in strictfp..

Application is using Java 6 from Apple instead of Java 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X?


need. Note The order of elements in the bundle task isn't preserved at runtime of your bundled app. The java.class.path gets built..

Algorithm - How to delete duplicate elements in a list efficiently?


duplicate elements in such list efficiently ORDER must be preserved Just an algorithm is required so no import any external library..

Hibernate Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER


by Hibernate but duplicates of the SQL resultset are preserved as duplicate references to these 5 instances. If you do not..

How do I create a static local variable in Java?


You can have a static class variable which will be preserved across all instances of the class. If that's what you want... want. If not use an instance variable which will only be preserved across method calls on this object. public class Foo static..

How to Dynamically add a row in a table in JSF?


of h dataTable . But the same empty row needs to be preserved in the subsequent request as well. If the backing bean is request..

Ordering of values in HttpServletRequest.getParameterValues()


that method. As such I wouldn't rely on the order being preserved. Update also checked the spec document for 2.5 contains the..

Difference between >>> and >>


right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved the signedness of the number. For example 2 in 8 bits would..

How to implement a possibility for user to post some html-formatted data in a safe way?


nofollow Link a p And then to display it with whitespace preserved apply CSS white space pre on the HTML element where you're displaying..

How do I implement multiple inheritence in Java


methods so that the calling interfaces of A B and C are preserved. How do I implement multiple inheritence in Java EDIT Thanks..

Keep the order of the JSON keys during JSON conversion to CSV


is by definition not significant. If you want order to be preserved you need to redefine your data structure e.g. items WR qwe..

“unmappable character for encoding” warning in Java


string so that the compiler is happy and the symbol is preserved in the file without potential re encoding issues java encoding..

Difference between & and &&


right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended to preserved the signedness of the number. For example 2 in 8 bits would..

Form validation library for Android?


because the order or the fields and annotations are not preserved in the compiled DEX files. There are also other annotations..

Is there a Java library for unsigned number type wrappers?


I want the notion of an 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit number preserved for best interaction with databases for instance. UPDATE Before..

What are Reified Generics, how do they solve the Type Erasure problem and why can't they be added without major changes?


version of java in a way where backwards compatibility is preserved As an example List T list REIList T T.Class Where REIList is..

Preserving parameter/argument names in compiled java classes


index 2 type java.lang.String See the parameter names are preserved in the class files. I would suggest you look into how your source..