java Programming Glossary: primitives
When to use wrapper class and primitive type to indicate state or function. This can't be done with primitives. Many programmers initialise numbers to 0 default or 1 to signify..
whats the difference between “.equals and ==” In Java always just compares two references for non primitives that is i.e. it tests whether the two operands refer to the..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] mistakes are common objects are often used in place of primitives reducing performance and increasing memory use. Many Java libraries..
Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types? Java design decision mistake . Containers want Objects and primitives don't derive from Object. Generics allow you to pretend there..
What is the memory consumption of an object in Java? endian with any amount of padding or overhead though primitives must behave as if they had the official sizes. For example the..
Why don't Java Generics support primitive types? used the CLR generates new versions of generic classes for primitives and structs as they are used. The only disadvantage is until..
Why must wait() always be in synchronized block lock.wait Better yet don't mess with the synchronization primitives at all and work with the abstractions offered in the java.util.concurrent..
Validating input using java.util.Scanner hasNextLine does it have another line of input For Java primitives hasNextInt does it have a token that can be parsed into an int..
Why does int num = Integer.getInteger(“123”) throw NullPointerException? Java 2nd Edition Item 49 Prefer primitive types to boxed primitives In summary use primitives in preference to boxed primitive whenever.. Prefer primitive types to boxed primitives In summary use primitives in preference to boxed primitive whenever you have the choice... types are simpler and faster. If you must use boxed primitives be careful Autoboxing reduces the verbosity but not the danger..
Java Integer division: How do you produce a double? but there has to be another way right I don't like casting primitives who knows what may happen. java math integer division share..
Simplest way to print an array in Java in Java What's the simplest way of printing an array of primitives or of objects in Java Here are some example inputs and outputs..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? intent's extras or saving it somewhere else. If data is primitives Strings or user defined objects send it as part of the intent..
What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#? into an object. The differences between objects and primitives are somewhat beyond the scope of this question but to summarize.. by value and are allocated from the heap . Conversely primitives are immutable types that are passed by value and are often allocated..
Java 7 language features with Android and AssertionError The static .compare methods for primitives
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file 1.1.jar 260172 11 30 07 09 49 jrst 0.8.1 lib commons primitives 1.0.jar 313898 11 30 07 09 49 jrst 0.8.1 lib dom4j 1.6.1.jar..
Is Java 100% object oriented? [closed] 1.x the JVM was really really slow. Not implementing primitives as first class objects was a compromise they had taken for speed..
How can a string be initialized using “ ”? object so as to improve the performance of the language. Primitives are stored in the call stack which require less storage spaces..
Boxed Primitives and Equivalence Primitives and Equivalence So I was asked this question today. Integer..
Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types? can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types Java collections only store Objects not primitive types..
Android: Cannot invoke toString() on the primitive type int work java android string share improve this question Primitives do not have any fields or methods. Sometimes the compiler will..
Does the Java primitives go on the Stack or the Heap? java stack heap share improve this question Primitives defined locally would be on the stack. However if a primitive..
Converting Array of Primitives to Array of Containers in Java Array of Primitives to Array of Containers in Java Is there an elegant way to turn..
Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred?
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives Validation of Collections of Primitives I want to be able to do something like @Email public List String..
What are the things Java got wrong? [closed] question Checked exceptions. Every object Is a monitor. Primitives are not objects. Lack of properties. The way generics are implemented...