

java Programming Glossary: prevent

Does the JVM prevent tail call optimizations?


the JVM prevent tail call optimizations I saw this quote on the question What..

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)


process that opens a file using a FileReader. How can I prevent another java process to open this file or at least make that..

Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded


busy running only the garbage collection at all time. To prevent your application from soaking up CPU time without getting anything..

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection


escape string to prevent SQL injection I'm trying to put some anti sql injection in..

What is Daemon thread in java


this question A daemon thread is a thread that does not prevent the JVM from exiting when the program finishes but the thread..

XSS prevention in Java


prevention in Java How can I prevent XSS attacks in Java Are there.. prevention in Java How can I prevent XSS attacks in Java Are there any good libraries for that java.. I bet that you're talking about JSP Servlet. XSS can be prevented in JSP by using JSTL c out tag or fn escapeXml EL function..

Representing Monetary Values in Java [closed]


like timeandmoney and whilst I applaud them for trying to prevent developers from having to reinvent the wheel I just don't have..

How slow are Java exceptions?


alone even if no exceptions are thrown is enough to prevent the JIT compiler from optimizing the code properly thus slowing..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


String doInBackground String... sUrl take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user presses the power button during..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


. Here's an example how JSTL fn escapeXml is useful to prevent XSS attacks . @ taglib uri http java.sun.com jsp jstl functions.. of scriptlets is that it provides no way of builtin preventions at least not using the standard Java API. JSP's successor..

How to use Servlets and Ajax?


elements with tag name option and remove them just to prevent duplicate options when button is pressed again . .each responseJson..

How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?


application and consider setting XX CICompilerCount 1 to prevent the compiler from running in parallel with itself. share improve..

When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?


want to have a reuseable group of components in order to prevent minimize code duplication. E.g. a group of label input message..

Tomcat 6: How to change the ROOT application


outside of CATALINA_BASE webapps it must be outside to prevent double deployment . Place a context file named ROOT.xml in CATALINA_BASE..

Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable?


pattern has great potential to be misused or abused. To prevent that allow none of the classes involved to be publicly extended..

CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF


XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF I have a web application built on JSF with MySQL.. with MySQL as DB. I have already implemented the code to prevent CSRF in my application. Now since my underlying framework is.. pages. Even if I use do I really need to implement code to prevent XSS attacks For DB we are using prepared statements and stored..

What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application


that your application's SharedPreferences are sandboxed to prevent other applications from being able to access the values so there's..

Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec


stdout err in separate threads. This is essential to prevent blocking and is the source of numerous errors if you don't do..

Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting


Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting I have go through the OWASP top ten vulnerabilities..

What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#?


... C# public sealed class MyFinalClass ... Methods Prevent overriding of a virtual method. Java public class MyClass public..

What's the equivalent of Java's enum in C#? [duplicate]


readonly Operator Divide new GenericOperator x y x y Prevent other top level types from instantiating private Operator public..

Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same


loggedIn loginRequest resourceRequest if resourceRequest Prevent browser from caching restricted resources. See also http stackoverflow.com..

Prevent suffix from being added to resources when page loads


suffix from being added to resources when page loads I have..

Java, xml, XSLT: Prevent DTD-Validation


xml XSLT Prevent DTD Validation I use the Java 6 XML Api to apply a xslt transformation..

Prevent JFreeChart DialPlot wrapping around with large values?


JFreeChart DialPlot wrapping around with large values My data..

Prevent multiple login using the same user name and password


multiple login using the same user name and password I am developing..

How do commercial Java static analysis tools compare with the free ones? [closed]


you don't turn on their experimental checkers and Coverity Prevent includes a good tracking database for trend cluster analysis...

Java 5 HTML escaping To Prevent XSS


5 HTML escaping To Prevent XSS I'm looking into some XSS prevention in my Java application...

How are singletons handled in a web application?


www.securecoding.cert.org confluence display java MSC07 J. Prevent multiple instantiations of singleton objects for a quite thorough..

Java: How to test methods that call System.exit()?


and such test failed and move smoothly along to the next. Prevent System.ext to actually exit the JVM Try modifying the TestCase..

Simple calculator in JSP


set its text content with responseText. return false Prevent execution of the synchronous default submit action of the form...

Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout


user from going back to the previous secured page after logout..

method must call super() error in Netbeans


Rename x y backup Z.java to x y backup Z.java.backup . Prevent the backup copy from being compiled. Change the package in x..

Prevent accessing restricted page without login in Jsf2


accessing restricted page without login in Jsf2 I have a problem...

Java is NEVER pass-by-reference, right?…right? [duplicate]


vsName.substring 0 Math.min 8 vsName.length SCR10638 Prevent export of empty rows. if shortenedVoiceSetName.length 0 if..

Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?)


the code below when you build your EntityManagerFactory Prevent JBoss from deploying persistence.xml . UPDATE This method does.. hope you have appreciated this small recipe. If so vote up Prevent JBoss from deploying persistence.xml Install a proxy class loader..