

java Programming Glossary: principals

How to properly logout of a Java EE 6 Web Application after logging in


to their application and demonstrate the use of security principals roles realms etc using the j_security_check method all good...

Using JaaS with Jersey on Grizzly


can simply get the current subject and check the active principals and credentials using the Subject.getSubject method. Anyway..

Client Side sorting + Hibernate Paging?


not retrieve the entire result set since its huge. I use principals getHibernateTemplate .findByCriteria criteria fromIndex numOfRecords..

Volatile keyword in Java - Clarification


How to check type of variable in Java?


your approach. In most cases if you follow object oriented principals you will not need to do this. There are of course exceptions..

Glassfish 3.1 default principal to role mapping


between the declarative roles specified in web.xml and the principals or groups present in the user identity database using the container.. or a role to group mapping. You may also have multiple principals mapped to the same role or multiple groups mapped to the same.. multiple groups mapped to the same role or even multiple principals and groups mapped to the same role. It is important to understand..

Get login username in java


lc.login Subject subject lc.getSubject Principal principals Principal subject.getPrincipals .toArray new Principal 0 for.. .toArray new Principal 0 for int i 0 i principals.length i if principals i instanceof NTUserPrincipal principals.. new Principal 0 for int i 0 i principals.length i if principals i instanceof NTUserPrincipal principals i instanceof UnixPrincipal..