

java Programming Glossary: prevention

Java 5 HTML escaping To Prevent XSS


5 HTML escaping To Prevent XSS I'm looking into some XSS prevention in my Java application. I currently have custom built routines..

XSS prevention in Java


prevention in Java How can I prevent XSS attacks in Java Are there any.. the server side with regard to databases is SQL injection prevention. You need to make sure that you never string concatenate user..

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement


to reuse the same SQL statement in batches . Automatic prevention of SQL injection attacks by builtin escaping of quotes and other..

Sending an OWA logon form from Java


it will finally work that OWA thing might have some other prevention against bots but it should solve the as far spotted problems...

To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered


purely informal Tomcat has already taken the memory leak prevention action accordingly. What can you do Ignore those warnings. Tomcat..

Cross-site request forgery prevention using struts token


site request forgery prevention using struts token I want to implement Cross site request forgery.. token I want to implement Cross site request forgery prevention for my web application which is base on struts 1.x framework...

How often should Statement and ResultSet objects be closed in JDBC?


of the DB caching of the statements next to SQL injection prevention when used properly . Acquiring and closing the connection is..

CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF


XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF I have a web application built on JSF with MySQL as.. improve this question XSS JSF has always had builtin XSS prevention. You just need to redisplay all user controlled input request.. helpful in this. CSRF JSF 2.x has already builtin CSRF prevention in flavor of javax.faces.ViewState hidden field in the form...