java Programming Glossary: polygon
Collision detection with complex shapes int yTriangle 60 60 40 triangle obstacles 1 new Area new Polygon xTriangle yTriangle 3 int xDiamond 60 80 60 40 int yDiamond.. yDiamond 120 140 160 140 diamond obstacles 2 new Area new Polygon xDiamond yDiamond 4 int xOther 360 340 360 340 int yOther 130.. int yOther 130 110 170 150 other obstacles 3 new Area new Polygon xOther yOther 4 walls new Area new Rectangle 0 0 w h ActionListener..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis 440 400 400 int delay 1000 int dx 0 int dy 5 int steps 121 Polygon t Timer tim new Timer delay this public void actionPerformed.. 0 this.getHeight 2 this.getHeight this.getHeight 2 Polygon t new Polygon p2x p2y 9 g.drawPolygon t Letters u new Letters.. 2 this.getHeight this.getHeight 2 Polygon t new Polygon p2x p2y 9 g.drawPolygon t Letters u new Letters p3x p3y 9 u.draw..
Smoothing a jagged path RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON Polygon p new Polygon p.addPoint size 2 size 10 p.addPoint size 10 size.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON Polygon p new Polygon p.addPoint size 2 size 10 p.addPoint size 10 size 10 p.addPoint..
Internal padding for JTextArea with background Image 0 strokePad width thickness bottomLineY radii radii Polygon pointer new Polygon left point pointer.addPoint strokePad radii.. thickness bottomLineY radii radii Polygon pointer new Polygon left point pointer.addPoint strokePad radii pointerPad bottomLineY..
Passing current Date null for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star private class RowColorRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer.. AlphaChars aAlphaChars private class Star extends Polygon private static final long serialVersionUID 1L private Point.. here EDIT please change private class Star extends Polygon method move to public void move if location.x 0 location.x frame.getContentPane..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star class DisabledGlassPane1 extends JComponent implements.. for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star @Override public void setBackground Color background.. add Star star stars.add star private class Star extends Polygon private static final long serialVersionUID 1L private Point..
Draw Line between two Geo Points in JMapViewer works for this but paintPolygon silently rejects a polygon having fewer than three vertices. For a line between two points..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView I make a list of points on a map and I want them to form a polygonal shape. Now the problem is that when I set paint style to be.. set attributes for the paint object used for painting the polygon. polygonPaint new Paint polygonPaint.setStrokeWidth 2 polygonPaint.setStyle.. for the paint object used for painting the polygon. polygonPaint new Paint polygonPaint.setStrokeWidth 2 polygonPaint.setStyle..
Java- Intersection point of a Polygon and Line of the intersection point not a boolean answer. java line polygon intersection share improve this question Here you are. The.. and getIntersection. The former parses over all polygon segments and checks for intersections the latter does the actual.. check for division by 0. This will also work only for polygons. It could be adapted to work with other shapes if you introduce..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis args JFrame frame new JFrame Drawing line and a moving polygon frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE test sl.. general you can transform the graphics context g2d or the polygonal Shape itself p3 the example shows both. Resize the window.. symmetric rotation point. It may be easier to define your polygons relative to the origin as shown in this example . import java.awt...
Adding a point to polygon a point to polygon I've created a class that extends the awt.Polygon class. I'm.. to write a method that given the PathIterator of the polygon and a Point representing a vertex adds the point at the appropriate.. 10 10 10 10 0 A square given the point 1 5 would make the polygon 0 0 1 5 0 10 10 10 10 0 Thanks in advance java awt polygon..
Converting longitude/latitude to X/Y coordinate all Minnesota counties. Basically I created the county polygons using a set of longitudes latitudes coordinates. Here's a screenshot.. from the image height something like this ... Polygon polygon new Polygon for Point2D.Double point xys int adjustedX int IMAGE_PADDING.. adjustedY int IMAGE_HEIGHT IMAGE_PADDING point.getY minY polygon.addPoint adjustedX adjustedY ... Here's the generated map IT..
How to determine if a point is inside a 2D convex polygon? to determine if a point is inside a 2D convex polygon I have a convex polygon typically just a rotated square and.. if a point is inside a 2D convex polygon I have a convex polygon typically just a rotated square and I know all of 4 points... do I determine if a given point yellow green is inside the polygon EDIT For this particular project I don't have access to all..
Calculate Earth convex hull polygon area given latitude and longitude Earth convex hull polygon area given latitude and longitude I have searched for explanations.. for explanations and algorhitms how to calculate Earth's polygon surface area. I've found this and this Lets say I got already.. this question The algorithm for finding the area of a polygon on a sphere can be found here http