

java Programming Glossary: pollution

why polymorphism doesn't treat generic collections and plain arrays the same way?


happen if you try to do this Number 0 3.14 attempt of heap pollution This last line would compile just fine but if you run this code.. there is no way to ensure that we are not committing heap pollution. For instance List Integer myInts new ArrayList Integer myInts.add..

How to reference a generic return type with multiple bounds


null or to lie by making an unchecked cast risking heap pollution . A typical workaround would be for getFooBar to take a Class.. think it's interesting to think about. A note about heap pollution Mostly for @MiserableVariable Here's a walkthrough of how an.. of how an unsafe method like getFooBar causes heap pollution and its implications. Given the following interface and implementations..

Error: Servlet Jar not Loaded


share improve this question This is a sign of classpath pollution. The JSP Servlet API libraries are appserver implementation..

Why const keyword is not used in Java? [duplicate]


from 1.0 the situation could have been different. Const pollution the C approach requires all const methods to be marked with..