

java Programming Glossary: poly

Interview : Can we instantiate abstract class?


my public void mymethod System.out.print Abstract class poly extends my public static void main String a my m new my m.mymethod..

about drawing a Polygon in java


about java2D and first of all i'm dealing with drawing polygons. However i can not see the polygon on frame. I read some.. dealing with drawing polygons. However i can not see the polygon on frame. I read some tutorials and examples but as i said.. i face with problems. here is the sample code of drawing a polygon import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.Polygon..

android get and parse Google Directions


also to know what represents this tag in the xml overview_polyline points a~l~Fjk~uOnzh@vlbBtc~@tsE`vnApw A`dw@~w tNtqf@l Yd_Fblh@rxo@b.. levels overview_polyline thanks java android google maps share improve this question.. I found this example on the web I'll try to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String..

Polymorphism - Overloading/Overriding


to add a 3rd question and modify the 2nd question. java polymorphism overloading overriding share improve this question.. involved. No overloading overriding are not types of polymorphism. Here's an example with polymorphism happening with.. are not types of polymorphism. Here's an example with polymorphism happening with no abstract classes involved. non abstract..

Java- Intersection point of a Polygon and Line


of the intersection point not a boolean answer. java line polygon intersection share improve this question Here you are... and getIntersection. The former parses over all polygon segments and checks for intersections the latter does the.. check for division by 0. This will also work only for polygons. It could be adapted to work with other shapes if you introduce..

Interview : Can we instantiate abstract class?


class My public void myMethod System.out.print Abstract Poly.java class Poly extends My public static void main String a.. void myMethod System.out.print Abstract Poly.java class Poly extends My public static void main String a My m new My m.myMethod.. Now compile both your source files javac My.java Poly.java Now in the directory where you compiled the source code..

Polymorphism - Overloading/Overriding


Overloading Overriding I know that this question has.. Overloading pretty well and Overriding. What gets me is Polymorphism. For example the accepted answer to this question explains.. with how it is different from Overloading . Also does Polymorphism inherently mean deriving from an abstract class I think..