

java Programming Glossary: polygons

Import KML in Maps API V2


us so I'm going to use Google's code to add polylines and polygons to my map after parsing the data in my KML file. Will update..

about drawing a Polygon in java


about java2D and first of all i'm dealing with drawing polygons. However i can not see the polygon on frame. I read some tutorials.. your comment i am preparing a map which includes lots of polygons and yesterday i used a JPanel over a JFrame and i tried to check..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


.setAccessibleDescription Load your old polygons menu.add menuItem menuItem new JMenuItem Save KeyEvent.VK_U.. .setAccessibleDescription Save the contents of your polygons menu.add menuItem attaching the menu to the frame JFrame frame.. the menu to the frame JFrame frame new JFrame Draw polygons frame.setJMenuBar menuBar frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..

Listener inside a loop won't allow to change an outsider boolean flag


final boolean runForever true switch key Fill the polygons case FILL_POLYGON if greenLightForFilling true while runForever.. true fillPolygon polyFiller break save all polygons in a .scn file case SAVE_POLYGONS if greenLightForFilling.. true saveWorkspace break Delete everything load all polygons from .scn file case LOAD_POLYGONS loadWorkspace break case..

Java- Intersection point of a Polygon and Line


check for division by 0. This will also work only for polygons. It could be adapted to work with other shapes if you introduce..

How to set background image in Java?


sprites platforms and other items in the game drawn using polygons and simple shapes. Eventually I hope to replace them with actual..

Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis


symmetric rotation point. It may be easier to define your polygons relative to the origin as shown in this example . import java.awt...

Converting longitude/latitude to X/Y coordinate


all Minnesota counties. Basically I created the county polygons using a set of longitudes latitudes coordinates. Here's a screenshot..

Image/Graphic into a Shape


you can do it with normal squares or with rounded corners polygons etc. But is there a way to do a custom shape java image image..

Rounding Inaccuracies When Combining Areas in Java?


random triangles and combines them to form one or more polygons. After the Areas are .add ed together I use PathIterator to..