java Programming Glossary: painttext
Custom button not working on mac (ButtonUI) new Color 102 132 186 @Override protected void paintText Graphics g AbstractButton b Rectangle r String t super.paintText.. Graphics g AbstractButton b Rectangle r String t super.paintText g b r t g.setColor SELECT_COLOR g.drawRect r.x r.y r.width r.height..
Java Font Rendering paint Graphics g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g int py 0 py paintText g2d py null false py paintText g2d py null true py line.. g int py 0 py paintText g2d py null false py paintText g2d py null true py line py paintText g2d py RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF.. py null false py paintText g2d py null true py line py paintText g2d py RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF false py paintText..
How can I change the shape of a JTabbedPane tab? 1 g2D.fill shape g2D.fill shape @Override protected void paintText Graphics g int tabPlacement Font font FontMetrics metrics int.. String title Rectangle textRect boolean isSelected super.paintText g tabPlacement font metrics tabIndex title textRect isSelected.. 1 textRect.y metrics.getAscent 1 protected void paintText Graphics g int tabPlacement Font font FontMetrics metrics int..