java Programming Glossary: painful
Java Python Integration you ever need to. There's little to be gained by going the painful JNI route unless you really have to. share improve this answer..
Long list of if statements in Java spiral to something out of control. Horrible to look out painful to debug and mind boggling to understand in a few months time...
How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectivly? jobType.convert Which is quite painful since if I have nine lines just for building the clause for..
How to test for equality of complex object graphs? of the object graph didn't match. Debugging this can be painful and frustrating. My current approach is to make sure everything..
Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java? [closed] the installation process for extra plugins excruciatingly painful . I don't know why they can't make that process simpler or maybe..
jackson delay deserializing field share improve this question This is really complex and painful problem. I do not know any sophisticated and elegant solution..
Maven parent pom vs modules pom moduleN ` pom.xml ` pom.xml This makes the checkout a bit painful and a common way to deal with that is to use svn externals ...
What is the “Execute Around” idiom? will be taken care of by executeWithFile . This is frankly painful in Java because closures are so wordy in languages with better..
Should I learn Java before learning Android [closed] they're concerned something has gone wrong. Every step is painful when you don't have a solid foundation. Aside from anything..
JavaFX is now out: Are Applets and Java Desktop officially dead/dying? [closed]
How do you find a roman numeral equivalent of an integer an out of the box API abstraction for this issue. Its just painful to handle all possible combinations in your code. java roman..
Is Grails worth it? [closed] Calling Groovy from Java and vice versa is very painful to configure . Not having good IDE support is a major bummer...
Java Web Service framework/library, which is a better one and why? filters to modify the transmission details was not very painful and extending existing classes has generally been considered..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 around 6 years old now. I need to upgrade to JSF 2.0. How painful will this be I noticed that some attributes in custom tags have..
“new BigDecimal(13.3D)” results in imprecise “13.3000000000000007105..”? How is it that Java's BigDecimal can be this painful Double d 13.3D BigDecimal bd1 new BigDecimal d BigDecimal bd2..
Is a finally block without a catch block a java anti-pattern? a catch block a java anti pattern I just had a pretty painful troubleshooting experience in troubleshooting some code that..
The case against checked exceptions if model.getRowData .getCell 0 .isEmpty and it will be painful to have to wrap in try catch every time. Informing the User..
Signal processing library in Java? you shouldn't be using Java. The reason that DSP is so painful to implement in Java is because all the good DSP implementations..
How serious is the Java7 “Solr/Lucene” bug? was a huge 10GB index of http so it was painful to narrow it down to this bug. In this case I spent a good amount..