java Programming Glossary: paragraph
Java - Scroll to specific text inside JTextArea someReallyLongString would represent a paragraph or a very large piece of text in which the vertical scrollbar..
Text Extraction from HTML Java I want to extract the information which is intbetween the paragraph tags but i can only get one line of the paragraph. My code is.. the paragraph tags but i can only get one line of the paragraph. My code is as follows FileReader fileReader new FileReader..
Connecting an input stream to an outputstream use a buffer or a timer for the reason I stated in my last paragraph I do not want messages waiting a really long time to get through..
PDF file generation from XML or HTML For example the XML definition data could be pdf paragraph font Arial Title of report paragraph pdf Converting HTML to.. data could be pdf paragraph font Arial Title of report paragraph pdf Converting HTML to PDF will be also a good solution I feel...
What is difference between “Class.forName()” and “Class.forName().newInstance()”? Understanding Class.forName that I was paraphrasing in the paragraph just above. EDIT answering a question from the OP posted as..
Learning Apache POI for Java for tutorials but so far all I've found is short 2 paragraph explanations followed by a code sample. I wanted to find something..
Varying behavior for possible loss of precision of the computation should probably be illegal. The last paragraph is worth noting C# is a lot more strict in this regard see C#..
New Integer vs valueOf implements a cache for the values 128 to 127. See the last paragraph of the Java Language Specification section 5.1.7 which explains..
Weird Integer boxing in Java line of output is guaranteed the first isn't see the last paragraph quoted below Ideally boxing a given primitive value p would..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? like JTidy in combination with XPath to extract the first paragraph of your question and the names of all answerers I am using XPath..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? My apologies please see the changes I made to the first paragraph. Here is the part to initialize your keystore and truststore..
What's the difference between raw types, unbounded wild cards and using Object in generics difference between Set Set and Set Object The following paragraph is taken from the book. As a quick review Set Object is a parameterized..
Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan> autowired. Nothing That's because as I said in the first paragraph the context annotation config only works on beans registered..
Why doesn't java have pointers? [closed] no need for explicit pointers. After your update The last paragraph is in my opinion the most striking explanation In C you need..
Why C# implements methods as non-virtual by default? than other possible outcomes I am reminded of reading a paragraph from Anders Hejlsberg about several advantages the existing..
WYSIWYG text editor in Java [closed] Does it come with lots of features fancy character and paragraph styles with online spell checking for several languages in the..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java that it fixes these two problems and does what the first paragraph above describes The code is in the following two java files..
Designing a splash screen (java) sample based upon the Task approach outlined in the prior paragraph. For a WebStart or browser embedded JavaFX application use a..