java Programming Glossary: pain
What is SuppressWarnings (“unchecked”) in Java? will be legal at execution time. I usually find this a pain when I'm mocking a generic interface but there are other examples..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse it auto formatting the method for me. This becomes quite a pain having to manually recreate ALL my overridden methods by hand...
Why should I care that Java doesn't have reified generics? added to the Java language. It's commonly identified as a pain that Java doesn't have reified generics but when pushed the..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] on each stream access. NIO fixed this but is a pain to use. One can work around this by doing read write to an array..
Named parameters in JDBC Unless you are bound to using plain JDBC which causes pain let me tell you that I would suggest to use Springs Excellent..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing with no code reuse at all second hand and seeing the pain that person had to endure I'd like to know how other people..
What is null in Java? crashes which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years. The video of this presentation..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? have worked with org.w3c.dom.Document know what a hell of pain it is to traverse the DOM using the verbose NodeList and Node..
Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java) share improve this question The atan2 function eases the pain of dealing with atan . It is declared as double atan2 double..
LDAP Java library for historical reasons for example . JNDI LDAP is just a pain to use almost anything you want to do with it is hard even if..
How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling? becomes known. And because it's hard coded it's a huge pain to fix. You should store configuration information including..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java to create asserts by hand but for larger ones its a really pain in the .. extra info irrelevant BOUNTY I'm looking for java..
Java String to SHA1
Is there an alternative to JPasswordField? When typing a passphrase like yeast bulk seize is shows pain everybody can hear tapping the space bar so it seems logical..
Polymorphism with gson [closed] and CatAdapter serializer deserializer classes which are a pain to maintain any time you want to add another field to Dog or..
How get the base URL? not the webserver. There are several ways to soften the pain JSF EL offers a shorthand to pageContext.request in flavor of..
Create instance of generic type in Java? Class E clazz return clazz.newInstance It's a pain. But it works. Wrapping it in the factory pattern makes it a..
What's the best way to distribute Java applications? for tightly controlled intranet environments but becomes a pain with larger deployments because it has some many weird failures... you to a slightly older version of java and there is some pain with dynamic class loading but its very effective for large..
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file a nice build using Ant . Maven so far has just given me pain but others love it. java merge jar restructuredtext share..