

java Programming Glossary: panelgroup

How to display list of countries and cities in JSF page


# bean.changeCountry render cities h selectOneMenu h panelGroup id cities h selectOneMenu value # bean.city rendered # not empty.. f selectItems value # bean.cities h selectOneMenu h panelGroup with something like this in a @ViewScoped bean private String..

Recommended JSF 2.0 CRUD frameworks [closed]


action # bean.delete item h column h dataTable h form h panelGroup rendered # empty bean.list p Table is empty Please add new.. bean.list p Table is empty Please add new items. p h panelGroup h panelGroup rendered # bean.edit h3 Add item h3 h form p.. p Table is empty Please add new items. p h panelGroup h panelGroup rendered # bean.edit h3 Add item h3 h form p Value h inputText..

Alternative to ui:fragment in JSF


JSF 2.1 is not an option then you can consider using the h panelGroup component instead h panelGroup rendered # condition h outputText.. can consider using the h panelGroup component instead h panelGroup rendered # condition h outputText value text 1 h outputText.. 1 h outputText value text 2 h outputText value text 3 h panelGroup It outputs nothing anyway if you don't specify the id style..

Mixing JSF tags with JSTL tags gives strange results


kickoff example assuming that hideTypes is a List String h panelGroup rendered # not empty hideTypes ui repeat value # document.instanceList..

JSF 2: How show different ajax status in same input?


h message id first_name_message for first_name h panelGroup h commandButton value Submit action # register.doSomething.. h inputText h message id input2_message for input2 h panelGroup h commandButton value Submit action # bean.submit f ajax execute..

Why do I need to nest a component with rendered=“#{some}” in another component when I want to ajax-update it?


that looks like this shortned . h form id resultForm h panelGroup class search_form layout block h inputText id lastname value.. execute lastname render resultDisplay h commandButton h panelGroup h dataTable value # search.searchResults var results id resultDisplay.. work. But if I nest the dataTable inside another let's say panelGroup it will work. h panelGroup id resultDisplay h dataTable value..