java Programming Glossary: pageindex
Append text for printing before and after a JTable 48 @Override public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate..
Print text File to specific printer in java f ticket f public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException int interline 12 Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D..
browse html files in java swing [duplicate] actionBack URL currentUrl displayEditorPane.getPage int pageIndex pageList.indexOf currentUrl.toString try showPage new URL String.. try showPage new URL String pageList.get pageIndex 1 false catch Exception e Go forward to the page viewed after.. actionForward URL currentUrl displayEditorPane.getPage int pageIndex pageList.indexOf currentUrl.toString try showPage new URL String..
How to print strings with line breaks in java public int print Graphics g PageFormat format int pageIndex Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate format.getImageableX..
Can a Java Applet use the printer? int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex if pageIndex 1 return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE Graphics2D g2d.. Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex if pageIndex 1 return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D graphics..
MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex throws PrinterException grab an untainted graphics Graphics2D.. pageFormat double headerOffset calculateHeaderHeight g2d pageIndex CustomPageFormat wrappingPageFormat new CustomPageFormat pageFormat.. exists tablePrintable.print graphics wrappingPageFormat pageIndex if exists PAGE_EXISTS g2d.dispose return exists translate..