java Programming Glossary: panel.setpreferredsize
Adding ChartPanel to JTabbedPane using JPanel true jPanel1.add panel BorderLayout.CENTER panel.setPreferredSize new java.awt.Dimension 500 270 Code to add to TabbedPane tabStoreTrans.add..
JFreeChart PolarPlot: mathematical orientation createDataset ChartPanel panel new ChartPanel chart panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 500 500 panel.setMouseZoomable false this.add..
JFreechart Loop through polar chart sectors createDataset ChartPanel panel new ChartPanel chart panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 500 500 panel.setMouseZoomable false this.add.. createChart result ChartPanel panel new ChartPanel chart panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 500 500 panel.setMouseZoomable false this.add..
Basic Java Swing, how to exit and dispose of your application/JFrame new JPanel panel.setLocation 20 20 panel.setVisible true panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension maxWidth maxHeight panel.setFocusable true panel.setBackground..
JSpinner: Increase length of editor box 0.0 0.0 999.0 0.5 JPanel panel new JPanel panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 300 100 panel.add spinner JComponent field JSpinner.DefaultEditor..
Java JPanel inside JScrollPane? panel.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 800 600 final JScrollPane scroll new JScrollPane..
Can I have a JTabbedPane with a JMenuBar? 0 i 20 i JPanel panel new JPanel panel.setName tab i 1 panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 600 100 tabbedPane.add panel JFrame frame new..