java Programming Glossary: pageformat
Append text for printing before and after a JTable Font.PLAIN 48 @Override public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D..
Print text File to specific printer in java File f ticket f public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException int interline 12 Graphics2D.. job title pjob.setJobName ticket.getName page fomat PageFormat pf pjob.defaultPage landscape or portrait pf.setOrientation..
How to print strings with line breaks in java pss Book book new Book book.append new PrintBill new PageFormat printerJob.setPageable book try printerJob.print System.out.println.. @Override public int print Graphics g PageFormat format int pageIndex Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate..
Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java new Printable @Override public int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int page throws PrinterException if page 0 return.. if page 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE pageFormat.setOrientation PageFormat.LANDSCAPE Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D graphics.create g2d.setPaint..
Aligning messageformat on printing a JTable right corner of each page public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int index throws PrinterException if index 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE..
Can a Java Applet use the printer? printPane editorPane public int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex if pageIndex 1 return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE..
MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing getImageableHeight Y. Something like public class CustomPageFormat extends PageFormat private PageFormat delegate private double.. Y. Something like public class CustomPageFormat extends PageFormat private PageFormat delegate private double headerHeight private.. public class CustomPageFormat extends PageFormat private PageFormat delegate private double headerHeight private double footerHeight..
Printing a large Swing component job.setPrintable new Printable public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int page throws PrinterException if page pf.getImageableHeight..
How can I print a single JPanel's contents? pj.setPrintable new Printable public int print Graphics pg PageFormat pf int pageNum if pageNum 0 return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE Graphics2D..
Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java @Override public int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int page throws PrinterException if page 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE.. throws PrinterException if page 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE pageFormat.setOrientation PageFormat.LANDSCAPE Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D.. g2d.setFont new Font Arial Font.BOLD 10 g2d.translate pageFormat.getImageableX pageFormat.getImageableX g2d.drawString bill 0..
Can a Java Applet use the printer? editorPane public int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex if pageIndex 1 return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE Graphics2D.. Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D graphics g2d.setClip 0 0 int pageFormat.getImageableWidth int pageFormat.getImageableHeight g2d.translate.. g2d.setClip 0 0 int pageFormat.getImageableWidth int pageFormat.getImageableHeight g2d.translate int pageFormat.getImageableX..
MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing believe it has less printable space by wrapping the given pageFormat into one that returns a adjusted getImageableHeight Y. Something.. @Override public int print Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex throws PrinterException grab an untainted graphics.. graphics.create calculate the offsets and wrap the pageFormat double headerOffset calculateHeaderHeight g2d pageIndex CustomPageFormat..