java Programming Glossary: panel.setbackground
Making a JButton clickable inside a JTable panel new JPanel new FlowLayout FlowLayout.CENTER 0 9 panel.setBackground Color.WHITE panel.add label this.add panel else JButton button.. panel new JPanel new FlowLayout FlowLayout.CENTER 0 3 panel.setBackground Color.WHITE panel.add button this.add panel return this And..
Make splash screen with progress bar like Eclipse JPanel panel.setBorder new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder panel.setBackground new Color 255 255 255 panel.setBounds 10 10 348 150 panel.setLayout.. JPanel panel.setBorder new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder panel.setBackground new Color 255 255 255 panel.setBounds 10 10 348 150 panel.setLayout..
how to set JFrame background transparent but JPanel or JLabel Background opaque? true f1.setOpacity 0.5f ShowImage panel new ShowImage panel.setBackground f1.setContentPane panel f1.setVisible true i tried.. This is how I modified it ShowImage panel new ShowImage panel.setBackground Color.RED setContentPane new ContentPane getContentPane .setBackground..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE JPanel panel new JPanel panel.setBackground new Color 0 0 0 0 setContentPane panel setLayout null panel2..
Pacman open/close mouth animation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE panel new DrawPanel frame.add panel panel.setBackground Color.BLACK frame.setSize 300 300 frame.setVisible true public..
Add specific background colors to JDaychooser Dates getDayPanel This returns the day panel. After that you can panel.setBackground color Also setForeground public void setForeground java.awt.Color..
animate JPanel (slide in) with timer panel public TestPane setLayout null panel new JPanel panel.setBackground Color.RED add panel Dimension size getPreferredSize Rectangle..
Communication between two separate Java desktop applications new DefaultListModel final JList panel new JList listModel panel.setBackground new Color 128 0 40 panel.setForeground new Color 240 240 240..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI FlowLayout.CENTER hGap vGap panel.setOpaque true panel.setBackground bColor.darker .darker JButton swapperButton new JButton Next..
setOpaque() in java jif new JInternalFrame JPanel panel new JPanel panel.setBackground new Color 0xffffc0 panel.add new TransparentTextArea 0 jif.add..
Part 2 - How do I get consistent rendering when scaling a JTextPane? scaledTextPane.setBounds 0 0 450 300 panel.setOpaque true panel.setBackground Color.WHITE frame.getContentPane .add panel BorderLayout.CENTER..
dragging a jlabel around the screen 200 private int mouseY 200 public test this.add panel panel.setBackground Color.WHITE panel.add dragLabel dragLabel.setForeground Color.RED..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java JPanel panel new JPanel scrollPane.setViewportView panel panel.setBackground Color.WHITE JLabel label new JLabel New label label.addMouseListener..
animation handling several cycle frame.setResizable false final MyJPanel panel new MyJPanel panel.setBackground Color.BLACK for int i 0 i 50 i Star star new Star new Point..
Basic Java Swing, how to exit and dispose of your application/JFrame new Dimension maxWidth maxHeight panel.setFocusable true panel.setBackground Color.white Panel setup toggle visibility on frame frame.add..
Swing rate limiting 0 iPanels 1 iPanels final MyJPanel panel new MyJPanel panel.setBackground Color.BLACK for int i 0 i 100 i Star star new Star new Point..