java Programming Glossary: meaning
Standard concise way to copy a file in Java? way that stays within the bounds of the Java language meaning does not involve exec ing OS specific commands Perhaps in some..
Do you keep your project files under version control? [closed] want to keep in version control any portable setting files meaning Any file which has no absolute path in it. That includes .project..
Natural sort order string comparison in Java - is one built in? share improve this question In java the natural order meaning is lexicographical order so there is no implementation in the..
What is the equivalent of the C++ Pair<L,R> in Java? class. Map.Entry is an example of a pair that carry its meaning in its name. To sum up in my opinion it is better to have a..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function for int y 0 y strNames.length y name strNamesOfAllah y meaning strMeaning y rowsArray.add new SetRows R.drawable.icon name.. y rowsArray.add new SetRows R.drawable.icon name meaning adapter new SetRowsCustomAdapter MainActivity.this R.layout.customlist..
What is a Null Pointer Exception? did not say as yet what to point to Java sets it to null meaning I am pointing at nothing . In the second line the new keyword..
Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5? already removes the XHTML declarations since they have no meaning in the client side. And Also HTML 5 has some new elements that..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java random in a specific range. For example my range is 5 10 meaning that 5 is the smallest possible value the random number can..
What is the meaning of “this” in Java? is the meaning of &ldquo this&rdquo in Java Normally I use this in constructors.. a global variable. However I don't know that what the real meaning of this is in Java and what will be happen if I use this without..
How to find a Java Memory Leak the answers so far but lets just say I am a cheap bastard meaning I am more interested in learning how to use JHat than to pay..
Why doesn't Java support unsigned ints? count myself as these days what simple really ended up meaning was could I expect J. Random Developer to hold the spec in his..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? with Java regexes is that the Perl 1.0 charclass escapes meaning w b s d and their complements are not in Java extended to work..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? start the thread. This flags the thread as a daemon thread meaning the VM will ensure that it is automatically destroyed if there..
difference about SAX and DOM based and DOM is tree model. I did not understand the meaning about event based and tree model. Let me exaplain what I have..
“Comparison method violates its general contract!” your comparator is invoked on A and C it would return zero meaning A B . This violates the contract. It's rather nice of the library..
Java logical operator short-circuiting improve this question The and operators short circuit meaning they don't evaluate the right hand side if it isn't necessary...
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars is throwing class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile fine but then crash at run time with exceptions..
Meaning of new Class(…){{…}} initialization idiom of new Class &hellip &hellip initialization idiom What does..
Prevent suffix from being added to resources when page loads '.' className.substring 0 className.lastIndexOf '.' Meaning that the resourceName aka className is null since the error..
String parsing in Java with delimeter tab “\t” using split s.close The output would be 1 2 red blue Meaning that it will cut out the word fish and give you the rest using..
Java web development, what skills do I need? [closed] Java web applications coming from a .NET background . Meaning I would like to be able to build deploy a simple CMS type application..
Multiple inheritance design issue in Java say wordLength but I want to add it using inheritance. Meaning I do NOT want modify that original AbstractWord class. Ie something..
Volatile guarantees and out-of-order execution a NPE. volatile semantics do impose inter thread ordering. Meaning that for all existing thread assignment of one happens before..
How can I cause a child process to exit when the parent does? about a orphan process . And it's an OS level concern. Meaning any solution is probably platform dependent. About the only..
Meaning of .this and .class in java of .this and .class in java Let's say we have a class name..
Using bash, how do you make a classpath out of all files in a directory and IFS is used as the separator between array entries. Meaning the file names are printed with colons between them. All of..
Eclipse buildpath automatically taking all JARs of a internal directory the same directory automatically included in the buildpath Meaning that adding a new .jar file to this directory and refreshing..
How to lock compiled Java classes to prevent decompilation? as the saying goes in Estonian Locks are for animals . Meaning that every bit of code is available loaded into memory during..
Meaning of java.lang.ClassCastException: someClass incompatible with someClass of java.lang.ClassCastException someClass incompatible with..
Why doesn't the Java SDK installer set JAVA_HOME? know if a script already depends on JAVA_HOME or not . Meaning some scripts could test for JAVA_HOME value and if not set refer..
Meaning of epsilon argument of assertEquals for double values of epsilon argument of assertEquals for double values I have..
What can you throw in Java? or of a subclass of Throwable. In section 6.1 The Meaning of 'Must' If some constraint a must or must not in an instruction..
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? translation in your persistence layer. Annotation Meaning @Component generic stereotype for any Spring managed..
Biggest GWT Pitfalls? bit of getting your head around and is not yet mainstream. Meaning that most developers that join your team or maintain your code..