java Programming Glossary: mediaplayer.create
Clickable widgets in android super.onCreate savedInstanceState MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.sound mp.start However when I added..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer or wrong one. This is how I do it MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same with correct.. is public void falseAnswerPoints MediaPlayer playError MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.error playError.start Same is correctAnswerPoints.. sometimes with another... Answer MediaPlayer playSuccess MediaPlayer.create QuizActivity.this R.raw.success playSuccess.start playSuccess.setOnCompletionListener..
Password protecting my android app (the simple way) setContentView R.layout.password mpbuttonclick MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.keypress Button sumbitButton Button findViewById..