java Programming Glossary: mediatype.application_json
Unwrap a element in Jackson/Jaxb is my jersey method which uses the class @GET @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Object get @PathParam id String id throws Exception A..
javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Response getDepartments Response response new Response.. import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException @Provider @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON MediaType.APPLICATION_XML public class ResponseResolver implements..
Unable to make CORS POST request in javascript to java web service(jersey)? resource as followes @POST @Path getSubjects @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Response getSubjects.. getSubjects @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Response getSubjects TokenCheck tc throws IOException..
Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0 will be returned as a text plain response. @GET @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Path getit public String getIt return Got it myService @Resource..
Getting error A message body writer for Java class java.util.ArrayList/List<java.lang.String> was not found s code @Path xml @GET @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_XML MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public StringWrapper mystring StringWrapper thestring new StringWrapper..
How to do Basic Authentication of a resource in Dropwizard My Signin resource is like this @Path myapp @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public class UserResource @GET @Path signin public User signin.. UTF 8 response.setContentType MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON response.getWriter .print Unauthorized I hope this helps Took..
POST request via RestTemplate in JSON HttpHeaders headers new HttpHeaders headers.setContentType MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON HttpEntity String entity new HttpEntity String requestJson headers..
How do I use the Jersey JSON POJO support? the marshalling for you in your resource @GET @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Response doWork Person person do work return Response.ok..
How to produce JSON output with Jersey 1.6 using JAXB and service @Path test public class Service @GET @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public List Todo getAllGadgets return Arrays.asList new Todo..
Jersey: Print the actual request localhost 9998 ClientResponse response webResource.accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .get ClientResponse.class Otherwise you can again log both..
How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method create Object requestEntity webResource.path create .type MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .post requestEntity When running this test @Test public void..
Configuring CXF with Spring to use MOXY for XML marshalling/unmarshalling import javax.xml.bind. @Provider @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public class MOXyJSONProvider.. @Provider @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public class MOXyJSONProvider implements MessageBodyReader Object..