

java Programming Glossary: me.getpoint

Clicking on a drawn object


super.mouseClicked me for Shape s shapes if s.contains me.getPoint check if mouse is clicked within shape we can either just print..

Get mouse detection with a dynamic shape


@Override public void mouseClicked MouseEvent me mouse me.getPoint drawImage l.addMouseListener listener drawImage JOptionPane.showMessageDialog..

How can I set the priority mouse listener


null JComponent jc findDroppableUnderGlassPane me.getPoint container.getContentPane Component me.getSource if jc null .. MouseEvent me JComponent jc findDroppableUnderGlassPane me.getPoint container.getContentPane Component me.getSource if jc null jc.getName.. null JComponent jc findDroppableUnderGlassPane me.getPoint container.getContentPane Component me.getSource if jc null ..

about drawing a Polygon in java


MouseEvent me super.mouseClicked me if poly.contains me.getPoint System.out.println Clicked polygon p.addMouseListener ma..

dragging a jlabel around the screen


me clickedPanel JPanel backingPanel.getComponentAt me.getPoint Component components clickedPanel.getComponents if components.length.. 2 dragLabelHeightDiv2 dragLabel.getHeight 2 int x me.getPoint .x dragLabelWidthDiv2 int y me.getPoint .y dragLabelHeightDiv2.. 2 int x me.getPoint .x dragLabelWidthDiv2 int y me.getPoint .y dragLabelHeightDiv2 dragLabel.setLocation x y add dragLabel..