java Programming Glossary: marketing
Correlation between Java EE / J2EE to J2SE / JDK versions keep some kind of correlation to not confuse users and for marketing purpose but AFAIK no there is no official correlation and maintaining..
How to stop Hibernate from eagerly fetching many-to-one associated object known as fetch groups. Please note that this is mostly a marketing feature as in practice optimizing row reads is much more important..
Java - JDBC alternatives [closed] unclear positioning of JDO earlier failure of CMP and bad marketing have a part of responsibility in this I believe and Hibernate..
What is the abbreviation of JAVA language? [closed] the #1 thing stopping us from shipping was the name. Our marketing lead knew someone who was a naming consultant I don't remember.. it was Mark Opperman. There certainly wasn't any brilliant marketing mind who went through a coherent thought process. http
Authenticating against Active Directory with Java on Linux wide identity management solutions so from looking the marketing spin on their website it's hard to tell exactly what protocols..
Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred? I am not sure since their documentation is pretty heavy on marketing language. Other smaller real time JVMs seem risky by virtue..
Java conditional compilation: how to prevent code chunks to be compiled? a requirement to make it working with Java 1.5 from the marketing side . I want to replace method body return type and arguments..