java Programming Glossary: marked
In which language are the Java compiler, JVM and Java written? Java API are themselves written in Java although methods marked as native will have been written in C or C . I believe that..
What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#? further overriding of a method that has been explicitly marked virtual in the base class. Variables To only allow a variable..
Using “final” modifier whenever applicable in java [closed] and also prevents mistakes as the intention is clearly marked. What are your thoughts on this and what do you follow java..
Why is the Java main method static?
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration go for annotations. For example a transactional method marked as being transactional does not kill its operating logic and..
Analogues of Java and .NET technologies/frameworks This seems to be turning into a wiki type article so i marked it as such. java .net comparison share improve this question..
Is there a goto statement in java? The Java keyword list specifies the goto keyword but it is marked as not used . This was probably done in case it were to be added..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide so currently you cannot use them directly but they..
Socket using in a swing applet Text Area Scrolling . Update In Java 7 append is no longer marked as thread safe invokeLater is used in display to sequence updates...
What is reflection, and why is it useful? exist but the second case of looking for methods which are marked or work in a certain way is still common. share improve this..
How to internationalize a Java web application? what language the page is in so that it won't be marked as duplicate content thus good for SEO . The language dropdown..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 subsequent requests in the same tab window can better be marked @ViewScoped because this way the bean won't be affected when..
Unix epoch time to Java Date object df.parse date catch ParseException ex ex.getStackTrace The marked line is where I'm having trouble. I can't work out what the..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? method addPreferencesFromResource int preferencesResId is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately..
Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable? classes as intermediate and it's why they should all be marked abstract . In order to close the loop and make use of the pattern.. with its own type and implement self . They should also be marked final to avoid breaking the contract public final class MyLeafClass..
Why does Java have transient variables? Edition Section transient Fields Variables may be marked transient to indicate that they are not part of the persistent.. the generateThumbnail method. The thumbnailImage field is marked as transient so only the original image is serialized rather..