java Programming Glossary: map.get
Best way to create a hashmap of arraylist value value field from line Collection String values map.get user if values null values new ArrayList String map.put user..
Memory overhead of Java HashMap compared to ArrayList primes key primes.length if hash 0 hash map.size do if map.get hash null map.set hash value return hash hash2 if hash map.size.. primes.length if hash 0 hash map.size do Payload payload map.get hash if payload null return null if payload.key key return..
How to get a random line of a text file in Java? g temp a.txt if map.containsKey s map.put s 0 map.put s map.get s 1 System.out.println map public static String choose File..
Type safety: Unchecked cast If the code compiles and you can execute String value map.get thisString without any errors don't worry about this warning...
Java Generics: Generic type defined as return type only this property return map null null X map.get property X is defined nowhere else in the class or anywhere..
Conveniently map between enum and int / String map.put v.convert v public V get byte num return map.get num This solution is nice and doesn't require 'fiddling with..
Java associative-array String String map.put name demo map.put fname fdemo etc map.get name returns demo Even more accurate to your example would be..
Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment 0 i list.size i Map map Map list.get i System.out.println map.get wordID System.out.println map.get word code @param query select.. i System.out.println map.get wordID System.out.println map.get word code @param query select statement @return List of Map.. 0 i list.size i Map map Map list.get i System.out.println map.get wordID System.out.println map.get word Parameters query select..
Spring MVC custom scope bean No composites to add elements to Object result map.get key if result null map.remove key composited composited.length..
Why won't this generic java code compile? map unchecked.getMap Unchecked warning why String s2 map.get MyClass fail new MyClass String s3 fail.getMap .get Compiler.. map unchecked.getMap Unchecked warning why String s2 map.get compiles because there's an implicit but unchecked conversion..
Most efficient way to increment a Map value in Java way I'm currently doing it int count map.containsKey word map.get word 0 map.put word count 1 Which of course relies on the autoboxing.. AtomicLong ... map.putIfAbsent word new AtomicLong 0 map.get word .incrementAndGet Trove import gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap..
how to sort Map values by key in Java TreeSet String map.keySet for String key keys String value map.get key do something This will iterate across the map in natural..
EL access a map value by Integer key looking for a Long as the key in the map. ie it evaluates map.get new Long 0 As a Long is never equal to an Integer object it..