java Programming Glossary: map.class
Skip root element while deserializing json Map String Object r ConvertJsonToObject.getFromJSON json Map.class String innerJson ConvertJsonToObject.toJson r.get root MapWrapper..
How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa new XStream new DomDriver xStream.alias map java.util.Map.class String xml xStream.toXML map from XML convert back to map Map.. faranga XStream magicApi new XStream magicApi.alias root Map.class magicApi.registerConverter new MapEntryConverter String xml.. public boolean canConvert Class clazz return AbstractMap.class.isAssignableFrom clazz public void marshal Object value HierarchicalStreamWriter..
Is Jackson really unable to deserialize json into a generic type? .constructParametricType AgentResponse.class Map.class mapper.readValue out javaType Jackson is never able to deal..
Java generic function: how to return Generic type for a generic of course the only option would be to pass Map.class and then you need a cast and an @SuppressWarning after all... String String returnedMap returnedMap thing.getResultData Map.class some_other_args Now one is back to needing casts and suppressing..
How to convert a JSON string to a Map<String, String> with Jackson JSON String String propertyMap JacksonUtils.fromJSON properties Map.class But the IDE says 'Unchecked assignment Map to Map String String..
Issue when trying to use Jackson in java type to bind to. If you don't do this and just pass Map.class call is equivalent to binding to Map i.e. untyped Map as explained..
How to serialize a Map of a Map with GSON? Gson final JsonElement jsonTree gson.toJsonTree General Map.class final JsonObject jsonObject new JsonObject jsonObject.add General..