java Programming Glossary: margin
Custom List Field click event .getFontFamily .getFont Font.PLAIN 24 final int margin 5 final Bitmap thumb listRander.getListThumb final String listHeading.. image graphics.setColor Color.BLACK graphics.drawRoundRect margin 2 y margin 2 thumb.getWidth 2 thumb.getHeight 2 5 5 graphics.drawBitmap.. Color.BLACK graphics.drawRoundRect margin 2 y margin 2 thumb.getWidth 2 thumb.getHeight 2 5 5 graphics.drawBitmap..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically margins in a LinearLayout programmatically I'm trying to use Java.. a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen and have margins. Here is code that works without margins LinearLayout buttonsView.. screen and have margins. Here is code that works without margins LinearLayout buttonsView new LinearLayout this buttonsView.setOrientation..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields class tightPanel fieldset class fieldSet style border 0 margin bottom 0.7em ui repeat value # sdf.fields var df s label #..
Deep clone utility recomendation
Java abstract interface Stream s 0 void reconstitute Stream s 0 And in the margin it says In the future the 0 part of declaring methods in interfaces..