java Programming Glossary: maps
Java - HashMap vs Map objects Map objects What is the difference between the following maps I create in another question people answered using them seemingly..
Java Hashmap: How to get key from value? map allowing you to map a key to a value like normal maps and also to map a value to a key thus allowing you to perform.. by the getKey method . There is a caveat though bidi maps cannot have multiple values mapped to keys and hence unless.. 1 1 mappings between keys and values you cannot use bidimaps. Update If you want to rely on the Java Collections API you..
Netty vs Apache MINA a single line of code. With no messing around no session maps synchronization and stuff like that we were simply able to declare..
How to iterate an ArrayList inside a HashMap using JSTL? can use JSTL c forEach tag to iterate over collections and maps. In case of maps every iteration will give you a Map.Entry which.. tag to iterate over collections and maps. In case of maps every iteration will give you a Map.Entry which in turn has..
Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android Intent. Is this possible If yes how java android google maps share improve this question You could use something like.. Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http maps saddr 20.344 34.34 daddr 20.5666 45.345 startActivity.. Uri.parse http maps saddr 20.344 34.34 daddr 20.5666 45.345 startActivity intent..
What is null in Java? for the key it's also possible that the map explicitly maps the key to null . The containsKey operation may be used to distinguish..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java translated into two switches during compilation. The first maps each string to a unique integer&mdash its position in the original..
How to find a Java Memory Leak entries java.util.HashMap Entry or something like that but maps are used all over the place... Is there some way to search for.. over the place... Is there some way to search for large maps or perhaps finding general roots of large object trees Edit..
What's the difference between ConcurrentHashMap and Collections.synchronizedMap(Map)? s Which one fits which situation java concurrency maps share improve this question For your needs use ConcurrentHashMap..
Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface? accurately. Pretend that each class has a hash table that maps method signatures name and parameter types to an actual chunk..
Uses for the Java Void Reference Type? values although Collections.newSetFromMap uses Boolean as maps don't have to accept null values and
How to implement a Map with multiple keys? java data structures share improve this question Two maps. One Map K1 V and one Map K2 V . If you must have a single interface..
Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore? always be thinking of removing objects from lists maps etc by calling the appropiate remove method. The case where..
EL access a map value by Integer key in JSTL integer vs long h3 This page demonstrates how JSTL maps interact with different types used for keys in a map. Specifically..
Meaning of new Class(…){{…}} initialization idiom make much sense in that case whereas it does for say Maps which don't have a convenient helper. share improve this answer..
Does Java have a HashMap with reverse lookup? could write my own class that basically uses two mirrored Maps but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if this already exists..
Java: convert List<String> to a join()d string it in preference to commons lang the ability to deal with Maps Map String Integer ages ..... String foo Joiner.on .withKeyValueSeparator..
?œApp won't run unless you update Google Play services??with Google Maps API run unless you update Google Play services with Google Maps API I created an app with Google Maps API. After few hours.. with Google Maps API I created an app with Google Maps API. After few hours of trying to resolve errors I successfuly.. following two permissions are not required to use Google Maps Android API v2 but are recommended. uses permission android..
Why doesn't Java Map extends Collection? answer and forcing one leads to an unnatural interface. Maps can be viewed as Collections of keys values or pairs and this.. is reflected in the three Collection view operations on Maps keySet entrySet and values . While it is in principle possible..
Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android My app needs to show Google.. via an intent on Android My app needs to show Google Maps directions from A to B but I don't want to put the Google Maps.. directions from A to B but I don't want to put the Google Maps into my application instead I want to launch it using an Intent...
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] startups. Coherence and Terracotta try to treat caches as Maps which is a fairly natural abstraction. I've used Coherence a..
What's the difference between ConcurrentHashMap and Collections.synchronizedMap(Map)? what about the other two What are the differences between Maps returned by Collections.synchronizedMap Map and ConcurrentHashMap..
Deep clone utility recomendation utility for deep cloning for java collections Arrays Lists Maps NOTE prefer some solution without usage of serialization but..
Android Google Maps Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme Google Maps Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme When adding..
How to implement a Map with multiple keys? only thing I can think of is Write a class which uses two Maps internally. EDIT Some people suggest me to use a tuple a pair..
Is there a url rewriting engine for Tomcat/Java? modifications such as http person 1 Maps to http details personId 1 And this should..
What's the point of Guava's Optional class way The only thing I can think of is to use it with Maps that don't accept null keys but even that could be done with..
Java API for Google Maps (or similar) API for Google Maps or similar Hi i was wondering if there is a Java library that.. zooming etc then you should check out Google Static Maps . You just need to build a URL string then make an HTTP request..