java Programming Glossary: manytoone
IllegalStateException with Hibernate 4 and ManyToOne cascading with Hibernate 4 and ManyToOne cascading I've got those two classes MyItem Object @Entity.. MyItem implements Serializable @Id private Integer id @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE private Component.. CascadeType.MERGE private Component defaultComponent @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE private Component..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy problem was caused by the deep hierarchy of OneToOne and ManyToOne relations between entity classes. So I thought I'll just make.. But annotating either @OneToOne fetch FetchType.LAZY or @ManyToOne fetch FetchType.LAZY doesn't seem to work. Either I get an exception.. is nullable . Now as far as original question goes A @ManyToOne fetch FetchType.LAZY should work just fine. Are you sure it's..
In a bidirectional JPA OneToMany/ManyToOne association, what is meant by “the inverse side of the association”? a bidirectional JPA OneToMany ManyToOne association what is meant by &ldquo the inverse side of the.. public Set Order getOrders return orders ... Example 1 60 @ManyToOne Order Class With Generics @Entity public class Order implements.. @Entity public class Order implements Serializable ... @ManyToOne @JoinColumn name CUST_ID nullable false public Customer getCustomer..
JPA: How to have one-to-many relation of the same Entity type This is a special case of the standard bidirectional ManyToOne OneToMany relationship. It is special because the entity on.. strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id @ManyToOne private A parent @OneToMany mappedBy parent private Collection.. through the cascade attribute on A 's OneToMany and ManyToOne annotations. For instance if I set cascade CascadeType.ALL on..
JPA: difference between @JoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn? look like e.g. in a join table with additional attributes @ManyToOne @JoinColumn name ... private OtherClass oc What happens if I.. As the column is now the PK I must tag it with @Id @Id @ManyToOne @JoinColumn name ... private OtherClass oc Now the question.. @Id @JoinColumn the same as just @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn @ManyToOne @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn name ... private OtherClass oc If not..
How to generate object @Entities from database? private String date It would be cool if it also support ManyToOne OneToMany Parent and ManyToMany. P.S. I tried JBoss Tools Hibernate..
JPA Hibernate One-to-One relationship JPA doesn't allow the @Id annotation on a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping. What you are trying to do is one to one entity association..