

java Programming Glossary: getvalueat

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


row dm.getRowCount row JRadioButton radio JRadioButton dm.getValueAt row 0 group.add radio phoneTable.getColumn Select .setCellRenderer.. renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent table tableModel.getValueAt row col false false row col preferredHeights col row int comp.getPreferredSize.. int getColumnCount return 4 @Override public Object getValueAt int rowIndex int columnIndex TableEntry entry TableEntry theEntries.elementAt..

Get Selected Rows in JTable using AbstractTableModel


int col return Column col @Override public Object getValueAt int row int col if col 0 return row else return rowList.get.. row @Override public Class getColumnClass int col return getValueAt 0 col .getClass @Override public boolean isCellEditable int..

Multiple row selection in JTable


int columnIndex if columnIndex CHECK_COL return getValueAt 0 CHECK_COL .getClass return super.getColumnClass columnIndex..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


cellColor c public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass public Component prepareRenderer TableCellRenderer.. Integer row if color null Boolean.FALSE.equals getModel .getValueAt row 0 color Color columnColor.get new Integer column if color.. purposes if the cell value begins with a 2 Object value getValueAt row column if value null value.toString .startsWith 2 color..

JTable how prepareEditor works


renderer row column if column 0 column 1 Boolean getValueAt row 0 return c return Box.createRigidArea c.getPreferredSize.. editor row column if column 0 column 1 Boolean getValueAt row 0 return c return Box.createRigidArea c.getPreferredSize.. TableModelEvent e if e.getColumn 0 if Boolean table.getValueAt table.getSelectedRow 0 table.setValueAt Boolean.FALSE table.getSelectedRow..

Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor


@Override public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize.. @Override public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass table.setDefaultRenderer Date.class new..

JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell


@Override public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane.. convertRowIndexToModel row String type String getModel .getValueAt modelRow 0 if Buy .equals type Buy Sell .equals type c.setBackground.. c if isRowSelected row return c Object value table.getValueAt row 7 Color background rowColor.get value if background null..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


Based on your example the code below overrides the model's getValueAt method to keep the dependent column synchronized with the item.. DefaultTableModel columnNames 0 @Override public Object getValueAt int row int col if col DEPENDENT_COL return C2 this.getValueAt.. int row int col if col DEPENDENT_COL return C2 this.getValueAt row ITEM_COL else return super.getValueAt row col for int..

JTable with JPopupMenu


@Override public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize..

JTable duplicate values in row


int getRowCount return data.size @Override public Object getValueAt int rowIndex int columnIndex if rowIndex getRowCount return.. int getRowCount return data.size @Override public Object getValueAt int row int col if col 0 return keys row else return data.get..