java Programming Glossary: getusername
Java Play! 2 - User management with cookies return Context.current .session public static String getUsername return getSession .get username public static boolean isAuthorized.. boolean isAuthorized throws Exception String username getUsername if username null return false long userCount DatabaseConnect.getInstance.. Exception if Secured.isAuthorized return ok Secured.getUsername else return ok views.html.login.form.render loginForm Now I..
JSF Filter not redirecting After Initial Redirect [closed] String username private String password public String getUsername return username public void setUsername String username this.username..
Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all? setEmail final String email email public String getUsername return username public void setUsername final String username.. return this.getName this.getLastName this.getEmail this.getUsername this.getId CURL Post call curl i H Content Type application..
Should I put my ThreadLocals in a spring-injected singleton? Username username new ThreadLocal String public String getUsername return username.get public void setUsername String name username.set.. public void method ... log Method called by username.getUsername ... This still has the benefits of not having to pass a username..
Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant password public String getTown return town public String getUsername return username public int getZip return zip public void setDate..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations id public void setId Long id id public String getUsername return username public void setUsername String username this.username..
What's the point of beans? value public void setAge int value age value public String getUsername return username public String getEmail return email public int.. scope session HTML BODY You entered BR Name user.getUsername BR Email user.getEmail BR Age user.getAge BR BODY HTML java..
How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling? preferences.put db_password password public String getUsername return preferences.get db_username null public String getPassword.. you need to connect to the database you can just use the getUsername and getPassword methods to retrieve the stored values. The login..
JSF2: Exeptions while submiting to Bean null new FacesMessage FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO Info getUsername getPassword return start.xhtml public void setUsername String.. String username this.username username public String getUsername return username public void setPassword String password this.password.. null new FacesMessage FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO Info getUsername getPassword return start.xhtml share improve this answer..