java Programming Glossary: geturl
Asynchronous HTTP Client for Java so super easy and looks something like this private void getURL String url URLLoader loader new URLLoader loader.addEventListener..
After HTTP GET request, the resulting string is cut-off - content has been consumed this try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient String getURL http bs.exe SID 5FC39 ScreenX 1440 ScreenY.. GT1 Aachen T0 H HT1 destination HttpGet get new HttpGet getURL HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet.. try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient String getURL http bs.exe SID 5FC39 ScreenX 1440 ScreenY..
Send HTTP GET request with header . EDIT try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient String getURL http getmethod.aspx id 111 method Test HttpGet get.. getmethod.aspx id 111 method Test HttpGet get new HttpGet getURL get.setHeader Content Type application x zip HttpResponse responseGet..
Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script DEBUG_TAG NDK_blahy extern C jstring Java_com_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this void Java_com_blah_blah_setURL JNIEnv.. env URL szLogThis jstring Java_com_lyfelotto_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this return url My unity code loads the library.. private static extern jstring Java_com_lyfelotto_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this bad things happen Have I gone about..