java Programming Glossary: getuser
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC br Domain List form select id domains onchange javascript getUser path domainsList multiple false size 1 form option value label.. Domain domain command.getDomain List User users domain.getUsers model.addAttribute users users return sojoView For issuing..
Using Spring threading and TaskExecutor, how do I know when a thread is finished? String user this.user user @return the user public String getUser return user @param host the host to set public void setHost.. running JSch jsch new JSch String user getUser String host getHost java.util.Properties config new java.util.Properties..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? Age age You can call it this way from android public void getUser if you put a json object to the server the properties are automagically..
RESTful on Play! framework id render user As you can see I only removed the getUserJSON method and renamed the getUser method. For different content.. see I only removed the getUserJSON method and renamed the getUser method. For different content types to work you now have to..
Spring login form example DataAccessException load user User user userDao.getUser username if user null convert roles List GrantedAuthority roles.. user SecurityUser securityUser new SecurityUser user.getUsername user.getLdapAuth getLdapPassword user.getUsername user.getPassword.. user.getUsername user.getLdapAuth getLdapPassword user.getUsername user.getPassword user.getStatus User.Status.NOT_COMMITED..
Problem with Json plugin in Struts 2 String test2 return success @JSON name user public User getUser return user public void setUser User user this.user user @JSON.. User user this.user user @JSON name user2 public User getUser2 return user2 public void setUser2 User user2 this.user2 user2.. String test2 return success @JSON name user public User getUser return user public void setUser User user this.user user @JSON..
exception in GWT RPC app name2 to test flextable entris only @Override public User getUser List User getUser null Transaction trns null Session session.. entris only @Override public User getUser List User getUser null Transaction trns null Session session HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory.. .openSession try trns session.beginTransaction getUser session.createQuery from User .list for Iterator User iter..
How to return a partial JSON response using Java? @GET @Path userId @Produces application json public User getUser @PathParam userId Long userId @DefaultValue userId fullname.. @GET @Path userId @Produces application json public String getUser @PathParam userId Long userId @DefaultValue userId fullname..
Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC symbol throws NotLoggedInException Stock stock new Stock getUser symbol checkLoggedIn PersistenceManager pm getPersistenceManager.. createDate List Stock stocks List Stock q.execute getUser for Stock stock stocks stockclients.add new StockClient stock.getId..
Testing for custom plugin portlet: BeanLocatorException and Transaction roll-back for services testing .thenReturn D2000_01_01 overwrite getUser ... methode so that wir get mock user object with mocked behavior.. user object with mocked behavior when mockUserLocalService.getUser 1234567 .thenReturn mockUserThatIsFullAge when mockUserLocalService.getUser.. mockUserThatIsFullAge when mockUserLocalService.getUser 7654321 .thenReturn mockUserThatIsNotFullAge load our mock object..