

java Programming Glossary: gl

How do I convert CamelCase into human-readable names in Java?


XML Parser splitCamelCase SimpleXMLParser assertEquals GL 11 Version splitCamelCase GL11Version java regex string camelcasing.. SimpleXMLParser assertEquals GL 11 Version splitCamelCase GL11Version java regex string camelcasing humanize share improve.. Loader AString A String SimpleXMLParser Simple XML Parser GL11Version GL 11 Version 99Bottles 99 Bottles May5 May 5 BFG9000..

Android: how to display camera preview with callback?


bmp 0 0 paint 2. Display camera preview on a GLSurfaceView as a texture. Here I was displaying only luminance.. the preview and it seems that it can't be done fast in OpenGL ES 1. So I can't use this solution. Some details of this in.. this in another question . 3. Display camera preview on a GL SurfaceView using NDK to process the YUV data. I find a solution..

Pass variables between renderer and another class with queueEvent()


... In my renderer public class MyRenderer implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer private void calculate Stack stack Helper.hasCalculated.. renderer as a variable in your activity don't just do mGLView.setRenderer new MyRenderer as a lot of people do but rather.. people do but rather MyRenderer myRenderer new MyRenderer mGLView.setRenderer myRenderer . Then you can communicate with your..

How to iteratively add Components to a Swing GroupLayout ParallelGroup?


For example the below code won't compile. GroupLayout gl new GroupLayout jpnlCustomise jpnlCustomise.setLayout gl gl.setAutoCreateContainerGaps.. gl new GroupLayout jpnlCustomise jpnlCustomise.setLayout gl gl.setAutoCreateContainerGaps true gl.setAutoCreateGaps true.. new GroupLayout jpnlCustomise jpnlCustomise.setLayout gl gl.setAutoCreateContainerGaps true gl.setAutoCreateGaps true GroupLayout.SequentialGroup..

Android getOrientation() method returns bad results


When you rotating model there is difference between gl.glRotatef _angleY 0f 1f 0f ROLL gl.glRotatef _angleX 1f 0f 0f.. When you rotating model there is difference between gl.glRotatef _angleY 0f 1f 0f ROLL gl.glRotatef _angleX 1f 0f 0f ELEVATION.. rotating model there is difference between gl.glRotatef _angleY 0f 1f 0f ROLL gl.glRotatef _angleX 1f 0f 0f ELEVATION gl.glRotatef..

How does one record audio from a Javascript based webapp?


media server note I'm still using Flash MX but a quick Google search brings up documentation for Flash CS3 that seems to.. discuss.php 3Fd 3D51231 moodlespeex hl en ct clnk cd 1 gl uk membership required site but open to Google hence the link.. ct clnk cd 1 gl uk membership required site but open to Google hence the link goes to the Google cache page . share improve..

Pass variables between renderer and another class with queueEvent()


class View extends SurfaceView private void doSomething glSurfaceView.queueEvent new Runnable @Override public void run.. I'd be happy to hear him. java android multithreading opengl es share improve this question You can keep hold of your.. GLSurfaceView mGLView GLSurfaceView findViewById R.id.glsurfaceview1 mGLView.setEGLConfigChooser true mGLView.setRenderer..