java Programming Glossary: favor
Why aren't video games written in Java? [closed] say if you're writing a sequel that counts even more in favor of sticking with the same language instead of rewriting it in..
Tips for maintaining an internal Maven Repository? groups. If you have more users than that do yourself a favor and pay for the Sonatype release. The LDAP integration pays..
Is it good practice to use java.lang.String.intern()? to be compared using When would I use this function in favor to String.equals Are there side effects not mentioned in the.. improve this question When would I use this function in favor to String.equals when you need speed since you can compare strings..
Can't change JProgressBar color in Mac OS look and feel . As you have found it ignores many defaults in favor of the native component. If a novel color scheme is required..
Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework? [closed] in that it eschews some common Java best practices in favor of keeping things as simple as possible. In particular it makes..
How can I inject in @FacesConverter? If you really need to keep the @FacesConverter in favor of forClass then you'd need to grab the EJB manually by JNDI...
Java web development, what skills do I need? [closed] 15 . JSP has been removed from the Java EE 6 tutorial in favor of JSF . What options are there for the web I know there is..
difference between java.lang.RuntimeException and java.lang.Exception the compiler so it is clean code. EDIT These days people favor RuntimeException because the clean code it produces. It is totally..
default maven compiler setting plugins in your parent pom file. Usually you'll want to favor dependencyManagement and pluginManagement . See the documentation..
How to get a Token from a Lucene TokenStream? to Donotello TermAttribute has been deprecated in favor of CharTermAttribute . According to jpountz and Lucene's documentation..
Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java? not change. If some internal data structure changes in favor of a new better method there could be a performance impact but..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? far as I understand most Java programmers avoid Vector in favor of ArrayList since they will probably synchronize explicitly..
Assert keyword in java performance sensitive code for me the tradeoff weighs in favor of the security correctness confidence I get from assertions...
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? are bit by bit removing all singletons from our project in favor of lightweight task scoped objects which can easiliy be re created..
How can interfaces replace the need for multiple inheritance when have existing classes share improve this question You should probably favor composition and delegation over inheritance public interface..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? trying to cut down on singleton classes in the app in favor of a single root factory singleton which sole purpose is to..
How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method in the HTTP resource path. This method seems to be in favor today. There are impacts with respect to HTTP caching since..
SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger version exclusions Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j exclusion groupId commons logging groupId artifactId.. context artifactId exclusions Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j exclusion groupId commons logging groupId artifactId..