

java Programming Glossary: fc

Location of String keys in L&F


of the methods protected void installStrings JFileChooser fc Locale l fc.getLocale newFolderErrorText UIManager.getString.. protected void installStrings JFileChooser fc Locale l fc.getLocale newFolderErrorText UIManager.getString FileChooser.newFolderErrorText.. property System.getProperty property JFileChooser jfc new JFileChooser jfc.showOpenDialog null jfc.addChoosableFileFilter..

JSF Filter not redirecting After Initial Redirect [closed]


public class LoginFilter implements Filter FilterConfig fc @Override public void init FilterConfig filterConfig throws.. init FilterConfig filterConfig throws ServletException fc filterConfig @Override public void doFilter ServletRequest request.. request response @Override public void destroy fc null Faces config.xml xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' FULL..

Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing


java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt JFileChooser fc new JFileChooser basePath fc.setFileFilter new JPEGImageFileFilter.. evt JFileChooser fc new JFileChooser basePath fc.setFileFilter new JPEGImageFileFilter int res fc.showOpenDialog.. basePath fc.setFileFilter new JPEGImageFileFilter int res fc.showOpenDialog null We have an image try if res JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION..

JFileChooser Filters


String args JPanel panel new JPanel final JFileChooser fc new JFileChooser int file fc.showOpenDialog panel fc.addChoosableFileFilter.. new JPanel final JFileChooser fc new JFileChooser int file fc.showOpenDialog panel fc.addChoosableFileFilter new ImageFilter.. fc new JFileChooser int file fc.showOpenDialog panel fc.addChoosableFileFilter new ImageFilter fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed..

Filling combobox from database by using hibernate in Java


How to unmap a file from memory mapped using FileChannel in java?


using FileChannel.map and then closing the channel using fc.close . After this when I write to the file using FileOutputStream.. RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile f rw FileChannel fc raf.getChannel MappedByteBuffer mbf fc.map FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY.. f rw FileChannel fc raf.getChannel MappedByteBuffer mbf fc.map FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY 0 fc.size fc.close raf.close..

Writing an authorization filter for my web app(JSF 2.0)


class RestrictPageFilter implements Filter FilterConfig fc public void init FilterConfig filterConfig throws ServletException.. ServletException The easiest way to initialize the filter fc filterConfig public void doFilter ServletRequest request ServletResponse.. RestrictPageFilter implements Filter private FilterConfig fc private InputStream in public void init FilterConfig filterConfig..

How to generate a regular expression at runtime to match a numeric range


private static String eqLengths String from String to char fc from.charAt 0 tc to.charAt 0 if from.length 1 to.length 1 return.. to.charAt 0 if from.length 1 to.length 1 return charClass fc tc if fc tc return fc rangeRegex from.substring 1 to.substring.. 0 if from.length 1 to.length 1 return charClass fc tc if fc tc return fc rangeRegex from.substring 1 to.substring 1 String..