java Programming Glossary: fallback
Reliable File.renameTo() alternative on Windows? expire somewhat arbitrarily on Windows. Currently I have a fallback method that uses copying deleting but this sucks because it..
Is there a sophisticated file system monitor for Java which is freeware or open source? on other OS. I don't mind if brute force is used as fallback but for Windows and Linux it should use the available OS features...
Java: Can creating an object “return” a null reference? MyObject o new MyObject parameter if o null o new MyObject fallback parameter The second line is marked in eclipse as dead code..
Why does Java's String.getBytes() uses “ISO-8859-1” default charset UTF 8 or another one then there will be a fallback to ISO 8859 1. If the fallback does not work ... the system.. one then there will be a fallback to ISO 8859 1. If the fallback does not work ... the system will fail .... Really ... gasp.. then it calls System.exit 1 So why is there an intentional fallback to ISO 8859 1 in the getBytes method It is possible although..
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The function test must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified here. web app Otherwise your container will run in a fallback modus matching the version matching in web.xml root declaration..
EL expressions won't executed in Tomcat 5.5, but working in tomcat 6.0.20 way everything will become a mess as Tomcat would then fallback to least compatibility modus. You need to redeclare web.xml..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error went rather wrong vel 91.0f LOG WAS HERE now has a fallback value justincase break vel 1.2f dx vel xmath dy vel ymath..
Java very large heap sizes based on simply stop working. Finally the stop the world fallback still exists for G1 ask Oracle when that code is supposed to..
Java concurrency cynicism gone too far? [closed] but now I'm not sure how to deal with this stuff. My fallback position is to ignore this chapter of TIJ and reread Java Concurrency..
How can I convert an Icon to an Image x y catch Exception e1 something went wrong fallback to this painting standIn this private Icon createImageIcon..
Java Nimbus LAF with transparent text fields the thread safe setText and wrapping capability. Note My fallback position is to continue using the system LAF but Nimbus does..
RowFilter.NumberFilter: can't handle “mixed” concrete number types Number So I'm wondering if how to improve on the fallback. Something like if one instanceof Comparable one.getClass other.getClass..
How to deal with the most common classes missing on J2ME programmers I know just don't use Set Map List etc. and fallback to Vector and plain Arrays. I think this makes code ugly in..
java console charset translation run with redirected IO for example in IDE. You need a fallback for this case. Specify console encoding explicitly String consoleEncoding..
Multilingual fields in DB tables that only one of the language is mandated the others have fallback rules e.g. if language 4 is missing return language 2 which.. get the info for the language you want implementing the fallback on your POJO like you said. You can have different getters for.. for the multilingual fields that internally call the fallback method to get the appropiate child object for the needed language..
JAR installer that auto-detects if Java is there and autostarts the application to download a JRE from within your installer as a fallback. Check these docs for more How Installers Find a JRE and JRE..