java Programming Glossary: fast
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array Here is a piece of C code that seems.. c data c std rand 256 With this the next loop runs faster std sort data data arraySize Test clock_t start clock long.. c data c rnd.nextInt 256 With this the next loop runs faster Arrays.sort data Test long start System.nanoTime long sum..
Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”? Sun's site is a vague server starts slower but should run faster . What are the real differences Using JDK 1.6.0_07 currently... executing long running server applications which need the fastest possible operating speed more than a fast start up time or.. need the fastest possible operating speed more than a fast start up time or smaller runtime memory footprint. The Client..
Recommendations for a heap analysis tool for Java? [closed] http Pros The interface is clean and it's fast It opened a large 5 gig heap dump where jProfiler grined to..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance or cglib might be use to generate a dedicated cloner as fast as one hand writed. Someone knows a lib using one of these tools..
Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods? benefit of familiarity for C programmers and was also very fast because there's no going up the class hierarchy to figure out..
What is null in Java? like Java it's good to use it because you will fail fast on programmer errors. Some people avoid null by using Null object..
How slow are Java exceptions? creating the exception object that is thrown. This is not fast. The article Effective Exception Handling in Java says that.. JVM warming up. In all my tests the throw was at least as fast as the return if not faster up to 3.1 faster . I am completely.. tests the throw was at least as fast as the return if not faster up to 3.1 faster . I am completely open to the possibility..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? the size of the list. ArrayList E on the other hand allow fast random read access so you can grab any element in constant time... equally cheap. Iterating over an ArrayList is technically faster but unless you're doing something really performance sensitive..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics finished and a little fps like text to show really how fast things are drawn. Image example Image is from letter 'a' in.. gc.dispose added isdone so redraw could not be called faster then it should. added this link to thrashgod source rewrite..
String concatenation: concat() vs + operator .append a .append b .toString The concat method should be faster. However with more strings the StringBuilder method wins at..
Java Generics 1 Hashtable h Hashtable v.get 2 Casting gets pretty old fast. More than that the compiler whines at you about unchecked casts...
Java On-Memory Efficient Key-Value Store are 32 bit maximum Integers. Now my requirements are Fast Insertion of Key Value pair allowing duplicates Fast retrieving.. are Fast Insertion of Key Value pair allowing duplicates Fast retrieving of value values based on key. A nice solution of..
How can I draw sound data from my wav file? gnarly C . To get a general overview you might look at 'A Fast Data Structure for Disk Based Audio Editing' by the original..
Which SSO Framework to use? [closed] I found a presentation that you might find useful Fast and Free SSO A Survey of Open Source Solutions to Single Sign..
Fast algorithm for searching for substrings in a string algorithm for searching for substrings in a string I'd like..
Java Method invocation vs using a variable the compiler to run good code faster and suddenly your Fast code is actually slowing the system down. share improve this..
HTML/XML Parser for Java [closed] Java closed What HTML parsers have the following features Fast Thread safe Reliable and bug free Parses HTML and XML Handles..
How do I “decompile” Java class files? not display Java 5 sources. Java Decompiler Yet another Fast Java decompiler has explicit support for decompiling and analyzing..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound But I need to show the audio's pitch not amplitude. Fast Fourier transform appears to get the pitch but it needs to know..
Java concurrency cynicism gone too far? [closed] Java Concurrency in Practice and got to this bit p. 1278 Fast forward to the sixth printing of the book and most new machines..
Fast transcendent / trigonometric functions for Java transcendent trigonometric functions for Java Since the trigonometric..
Fast CSV parsing CSV parsing I have a java server app that download CSV file..
Processing Audio Data using Fourier Transforms in Java function that calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform or Fast Fourier Transform which is more efficient . I've read documentation.. Richard G. Baldwin has a number of very good articles on Fast Fourier Transform algorithms in Java on the website... should prove to be useful Fun with Java Understanding the Fast Fourier Transform FFT Algorithm http java..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number millionth prime in about half an hour here. So how about Fast primality tests Primes have other number theoretic properties..
Fastest Gaussian blur implementation Gaussian blur implementation How do you implement the fastest.. the inverse Fourier transform. The complexity of the FFT Fast Fourier Transform is O n log n while the complexity of a convolution..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge Java Simple Send and recieve with Server Fast Setup Challenge I'm writing an Android App and I'm looking..