java Programming Glossary: fb
Facebook offline access step-by-step old API Key. 2 load in your browser already logged in to fb as the account you want your server side app to connect as and..
Restricting JTextField input to Integers @Override public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offset String string AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException Document doc fb.getDocument StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append doc.getText.. offset string if test sb.toString super.insertString fb offset string attr else warn the user and don't allow the insert..
Only allowing numbers and a symbol (-) to be typed into a JTextField public void insertString DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb int offset String text AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append fb.getDocument .getText 0 fb.getDocument .getLength sb.insert offset.. sb new StringBuilder sb.append fb.getDocument .getText 0 fb.getDocument .getLength sb.insert offset text if containsOnlyNumbers..
Get a key from JTextArea @Override public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offset String string AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. string string.replaceAll super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass.. string attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass fb int offset int length String text AttributeSet attrs throws..
How to allow introducing only digits in jTextField? [duplicate] Heuberger @Override public void insertString FilterBypass fb int off String str AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. attr throws BadLocationException remove non digits fb.insertString off str.replaceAll D attr @Override public void.. D attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass fb int off int len String str AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException..
Make JSpinner only read numbers but also detect backspace @Override public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offset String string AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. if stringContainsOnlyDigits string super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void remove FilterBypass.. string attr @Override public void remove FilterBypass fb int offset int length throws BadLocationException super.remove..