java Programming Glossary: enums
Java extend enum to it enum A a b c enum B extends A d B is a b c d java enums share improve this question No you can't do this in Java...
When should one use final? the immutability. Final static fields Although I use enums now for many of the cases where I used to use static final fields...
Java Enum definition a similar type parameter could be used. java generics enums crtp share improve this question It means that the type.. base class is able to do the comparisons in the case of enums but it can make sure that it only compares the right kind of.. it can make sure that it only compares the right kind of enums with each other. EDIT Well nearly see the edit at the bottom...
What are major differences between C# and Java? Java's JNI Java and C# have somewhat different ideas of enums. Java's are much more object oriented. Java has no preprocessor..
Interfaces with static fields in java for sharing 'constants' approach or is this considered bad practice Why not use enums where it makes sense or a static class I find it strange to..
JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu question This problem is not specifically related to enums. You would have the same problem with other List types for which..
C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#) in C#. I'm trying to come up to speed in C# and noticed enums used in several places in my new project but at first glance.. several places in my new project but at first glance C#'s enums seem to be more simplistic than the Java 1.5 implementation... Can anyone enumerate the differences between C# and Java enums and how to overcome the differences I don't want to start a..
Why and what for: java enum some thread safety benefits to such solution. I never used enums and I have been programing in java for more than couple a years.. what for should I use enum in day to day programing java enums share improve this question You should always use enums.. share improve this question You should always use enums when a variable especially a method parameter can only take..
Java - Convert String to enum the method I need If so how would I use this java enums share improve this question Yes Blah.valueOf A will give..
The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed] is basically duck typing . And Java has WAY way better enums. C# enums are just ints with a stripe painted down the side... duck typing . And Java has WAY way better enums. C# enums are just ints with a stripe painted down the side. Java treating.. ints with a stripe painted down the side. Java treating enums as objects with behaviour is far superior imho I know this will..
Understanding Enums in Java Enums in Java What are java enums How do they work Where could I.. ignore them java enums share improve this question Enums in Java 5 are basically classes that have a predefined set of.. Enum type and the compiler will enforce type safety Enums are basically classes. They can implement interfaces have behaviour..
Java Enums: Two enum types, each containing references to each other? Enums Two enum types each containing references to each other Is..
Static String constants VS enum in Java 5+ for equality with one of six constants or four others etc. Enums are equipped with EnumSets with a contains method or similarly..
Enum in Hibernate, persisting as an enum version from the Java 5 EnumUserType see Appfuse's Java 5 Enums Persistence with Hibernate for an example . Personally I'd just..
Which is the best alternative for Java Serialization? that there is a lack of functionality doesn't support Enums for example . Finally we also tried JAXB but this impose our..
Enum exeeding the 65535 bytes limit of static initializer… what's best to do? during compile time. Or can this be achieved with multiple Enums in some way My only current idea is to define some Interface.. define some Interface called Descriptor and code several Enums implementing it. This way I hope to be able to use the Hibernate..
Why would an Enum implement an Interface? case for that java enums share improve this question Enums don't just have to represent passive sets e.g. colours . They..
Thread safety in Singleton singleton . On enum constant singleton guarantee JLS 8.9. Enums An enum type has no instances other than those defined by its..
Coding Conventions - Naming Enums Conventions Naming Enums Is there a document describing how to name enumerations in.. standards coding style share improve this question Enums are classes and should follow the conventions for classes. Instances..
Enumerations: Why? When? B is pressed... ... References Java Language Guide Enums quite complete treatment with many examples See also Effective..
JSF: Best way to Enum internationalization (i18n) with that. Anybody know how to efficiently make multiple Enums internationalized java internationalization enums jsf 2 share..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser levels becomes tricky. There you'd have to either use Enums for example to set your current state and a lot of switch case..
add values to enum share improve this question The reason you can't extend Enums is because it would lead to problems with polymorphism. Say..
Java: Local Enums Local Enums Today I found myself coding something like this ... public.. myself coding something like this ... public class LocalEnums public LocalEnums public void foo enum LocalEnum A B C ...... like this ... public class LocalEnums public LocalEnums public void foo enum LocalEnum A B C .... class LocalClass..
Java Enums and Switch Statements - the default case? Enums and Switch Statements the default case For people suggesting..