java Programming Glossary: entry
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How do I remove objects from an array in Java? of Collections.singleton singleton is limited to one entry whereas the asList approach allows you to add other strings..
How do I list the files inside a JAR file? name.startsWith path to your dir Do something with this entry. ... else Fail... Note that in Java 7 you can create a FileSystem..
Why is the Java main method static? for the JVM to have to instantiate a class before the entry point is called. That's why main is static. I have no idea why..
How can I enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List? jarFile.entries while entries.hasMoreElements JarEntry entry entries.nextElement String entryName entry.getName if entryName.startsWith.. JarEntry entry entries.nextElement String entryName entry.getName if entryName.startsWith relPath entryName.length.. JarEntry entry entries.nextElement String entryName entry.getName if entryName.startsWith relPath entryName.length relPath.length..
Setting multiple jars in java classpath the extension .jar or .JAR . For example the class path entry foo specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath.. all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath entry consisting simply of expands to a list of all the jar files.. all the jar files in the current directory. A class path entry that contains will not match class files. To match both classes..
Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property I.e. there should be some local setting for example an entry in the file that associates the source javadoc.. my path to lib src in and then classpathentry kind lib path lib.jar sourcepath lib_src_dir in .classpath ... here a linked archive can be associated to your classpathentry in the source attribute. The problem with Linked Resources is..
Design Patterns web based applications of only a single servlet which provides a centralized entry point of all requests. It should create the Model based on information.. XML configuration file in the classpath pseudo for Entry entry configuration actions.put entry.getKey Class.forName entry.getValue.. classpath pseudo for Entry entry configuration actions.put entry.getKey Class.forName entry.getValue .newInstance Or dynamically..
Why use a prime number in hashCode? into will only be determined by the least significant entry the one not multiplied at all . Similar entries will collide...
How do I iterate over each Entry in a Map? share improve this question for Map.Entry String String entry map.entrySet System.out.println entry.getKey entry.getValue.. this question for Map.Entry String String entry map.entrySet System.out.println entry.getKey entry.getValue share improve..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? OSR compilations with an at sign to denote the non initial entry point for example Trouble 1 run @ 2 41 bytes . Prefer server..
Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface? . If a super class and a sub class both have an entry in their tables for the same method signature the sub class's..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? of JSF. JSF is a dynamic framework with a single entry point of control. Without a state management one would be able..
What are the reasons why Map.get(Object key) is not (fully) generic reason why get etc. is not generic because the key of the entry you are retrieving does not have to be the same type as the..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? the keyStore that includes self signed cert as a trusted entry. KeyStore keyStore ... TrustManagerFactory tmf TrustManagerFactory.getInstance.. it with keytool from the JDK keytool won't work for a key entry but is just fine for a trusted entry . keytool import file selfsigned.pem.. won't work for a key entry but is just fine for a trusted entry . keytool import file selfsigned.pem alias server keystore server.jks..
Java: iterate through HashMap [duplicate] duplicate Possible Duplicate How do I iterate over each Entry in a Collection Map What is the best way to iterate through.. mp Iterator it mp.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry System.out.println pairs.getKey pairs.getValue.. mp.entrySet .iterator while it.hasNext Map.Entry pairs Map.Entry System.out.println pairs.getKey pairs.getValue it.remove..
How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa root Map.class magicApi.registerConverter new MapEntryConverter String xml magicApi.toXML map System.out.println Result.. toXml System.out.println xml public static class MapEntryConverter implements Converter public boolean canConvert Class.. map AbstractMap value for Object obj map.entrySet Entry entry Entry obj writer.startNode entry.getKey .toString writer.setValue..
What is the equivalent of the C++ Pair<L,R> in Java? that 1.6 is providing something similar AbstractMap.SimpleEntry but this looks quite convoluted. java c share improve this.. application you would have made of the Pair class. Map.Entry is an example of a pair that carry its meaning in its name... a class Position x y a class Range begin end and a class Entry key value rather than a generic Pair first second that doesn't..
How to iterate an ArrayList inside a HashMap using JSTL? maps. In case of maps every iteration will give you a Map.Entry which in turn has getKey and getValue methods. Here's a basic.. what's all going on here here's a raw Java translation for Entry String List Object entry map.entrySet out.print Key entry.getKey..
Difference between each instance of servlet and each thread of servlet in servlets? . The servlet container then executes code similar to for Entry String HttpServlet entry servlets.entrySet String urlPattern..
How would you implement an LRU cache in Java 6? for code LinkedHashMap code . p @param eldest the code Entry code in question this implementation doesn't care what it is.. tt if the oldest @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#removeEldestEntry Map.Entry @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry final.. oldest @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#removeEldestEntry Map.Entry @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry final Map.Entry..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) Traces of any uncaught Exceptions are displayed. The first Entry to every logging call is the log tag which identifies the source..
What would be the fastest method to test for primality in Java? methodMap.put endTime startTime method.getName for Entry Long String entry methodMap.entrySet System.out.println entry.getValue..
Static nested class in Java, why? and noticed that it made use of a static nested class Entry . public class LinkedList E ... ... private static class Entry.. . public class LinkedList E ... ... private static class Entry E ... What is the reason for using a static nested class rather.. inner class The only reason I could think of was that Entry doesn't have access to instance variables so from an OOP point..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? httpConnection.getResponseCode 2 HTTP response headers for Entry String List String header connection.getHeaderFields .entrySet..
Design Patterns web based applications XML configuration file in the classpath pseudo for Entry entry configuration actions.put entry.getKey Class.forName entry.getValue..
How to find a Java Memory Leak hundred meg of hash table entries java.util.HashMap Entry or something like that but maps are used all over the place.....
How do I iterate over each Entry in a Map? do I iterate over each Entry in a Map If I have an object implementing the Map interface.. java map iteration share improve this question for Map.Entry String String entry map.entrySet System.out.println entry.getKey..
Java String replace not working String String mp.put USERNAME User A mp.put PASSWORD B for Entry String String entry mp.entrySet html.replace delimiter entry.getKey..
What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity? is marked deprecated in android's documentation Reference Entry . Unfortunately no alternative method is provided in the method's..
Android REST client, Sample? user profile The top layer might look like this Entry point into the API. public class HypotheticalApi public static..
Eclipse cannot load SWT libraries en_GB Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86_64 ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012 04 15 21 05 47.885 MESSAGE Application..
How do I prevent Eclipse from hanging on startup? start up. The only thing I can see in the Eclipse log is ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2008 10 16 09 47 34.801 MESSAGE..
Automating unit tests (junit) for Eclipse Plugin development 1212 at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main 30 ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2008 11 04 21 02 10.514 MESSAGE The following.. see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2008 11 04 21 02 10.515 MESSAGE Bundle.. org.eclipse.test_3.2.0 34 was not resolved. SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.test 2 0 2008 11 04 21 02 10 java testing junit..
GWT/ Eclipse: ClassNotFoundException com/google/gwt/dev/Compiler log file workspace .metadata .log I can see the message ENTRY org.eclipse.jdt.ui 4 10001 2010 11 02 08 34 50.085 MESSAGE Internal.. 121 SUBENTRY 1 4 0 2010 11 02 08 34 50.085 MESSAGE..
Glassfish 3.1 CREDENTIAL_ERROR in Eclipse network listeners However in my .log I find the following ENTRY 4 1 2011 08 04 11 38 43.925 MESSAGE.. 908 at 619 ENTRY 4 150 2011 08 04 11 38 43.928..
Eclipse fail at launching on Mac OSX keyring Users Julien .eclipse_keyring showlocation ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core 4 0 2011 12 07 01 27 31.721 MESSAGE.. 340 SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository 4 1005 2011 12.. org.eclipse.osgi bundles 126 data listener_1925729951 . ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins 4 0 2011 12 07 01..