java Programming Glossary: enummap
java get file size efficiently String args throws Exception int runs 5 int iterations 50 EnumMap FileSizeBench Long durations new EnumMap FileSizeBench Long.. int iterations 50 EnumMap FileSizeBench Long durations new EnumMap FileSizeBench Long FileSizeBench.class for int i 0 i runs i..
Java Animate JLabel import import java.util.EnumMap import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing. @SuppressWarnings.. new Font Font.SANS_SERIF Font.BOLD 32 private EnumMap Direction Boolean dirMap new EnumMap AnimateExample.Direction.. Font.BOLD 32 private EnumMap Direction Boolean dirMap new EnumMap AnimateExample.Direction Boolean Direction.class private BufferedImage..
Is there an open source java enum of ISO 3166-1 country codes provides a list of ISO 3166 1 country codes as a enum or EnumMap Specifically I need the ISO 3166 1 alpha 2 code elements i.e...
Keyboard input for a game in Java Timer keyRepeatTimer Map Move TimerTask repeatingTasks new EnumMap Move TimerTask Move.class public GameKeyController LocalGame..
Enumerations: Why? When? this question These are the main arguments for enum EnumMap and EnumSet by short examples. The case for enum As of Java.. op2 ... abstract int apply int op1 int op2 The case for EnumMap Here's a quote from Effective Java 2nd Edition Never derive.. is rarely appropriate to use ordinals to index arrays use EnumMap instead. The general principle is that application programmers..
Advantages of Java's enum over the old “Typesafe Enum” pattern?
Dynamic variable names Java variable names as strings against their values. Or use a EnumMap with enums as key and your value as values. AFAIK that's the..
How to change card layout panels from another panel? .add cards BorderLayout.CENTER public JPanel step2 EnumMap DPFPFingerIndex DPFPTemplate template new EnumMap DPFPFingerIndex.. step2 EnumMap DPFPFingerIndex DPFPTemplate template new EnumMap DPFPFingerIndex DPFPTemplate DPFPFingerIndex.class JPanel enrol..