java Programming Glossary: entity.addpart
Apache HttpClient making multipart form post new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE entity.addPart number new StringBody 5555555555 entity.addPart clip new StringBody.. entity.addPart number new StringBody 5555555555 entity.addPart clip new StringBody rickroll File fileToUpload new File filePath.. new FileBody fileToUpload application octet stream entity.addPart upload_file fileBody entity.addPart tos new StringBody agree..
Crash when loading font
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new FileBody new File postContent.get.. postContent.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new StringBody postContent.get..
GZip POST request with HTTPClient in Java as follows MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart foo new InputStreamBody new ByteArrayInputStream fooGzippedBytes.. the new ByteArrayBody which can be used as follows entity.addPart foo new ByteArrayBody fooGzippedBytes foo.txt share improve..
How to post files using JSoup? to file.ext MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart user new StringBody user entity.addPart password new StringBody.. MultipartEntity entity.addPart user new StringBody user entity.addPart password new StringBody 12345 entity.addPart email new StringBody.. user entity.addPart password new StringBody 12345 entity.addPart email new StringBody entity.addPart..
How can i programmatically upload a file to a website? HttpPost url MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart uploadFieldName new InputStreamBody fileContent fileContentType.. new InputStreamBody fileContent fileContentType fileName entity.addPart viewStateName new StringBody viewStateValue entity.addPart submitButtonName.. entity.addPart viewStateName new StringBody viewStateValue entity.addPart submitButtonName new StringBody submitButtonValue httpPost.setEntity..