java Programming Glossary: entities
Threads with Key Bindings ballEntity.RIGHT true create images for entities ArrayList BufferedImage advEntityImages new ArrayList ArrayList.. blue 10 100 false advEntityTimings.add 500l create entities AdvancedSpritesEntity player1Entity new AdvancedSpritesEntity.. width height frameCount 0 fps 0 private ArrayList Entity entities new ArrayList private final Random random new Random public..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? Roo Active Record system to allow new instances of your entities to get the necessary persistence information injected. @Service..
XSS prevention in Java may malform the rendered HTML such as ' and into HTML XML entities such as lt gt quot apos and amp . Note that you don't need to..
Right way to implement equals contract compare all non technical properties. For real world entities this is after all more robust but also more expensive than technical..
Validate JAXBElement in JPA/JAX-RS Web Service Jersey that is a CRUD interface for JPA EclipseLink entities. My entities were autogenerated from the database tables and.. that is a CRUD interface for JPA EclipseLink entities. My entities were autogenerated from the database tables and I have annotated..
Design Patterns web based applications criteria to make new Servlet etc. Actually I have few entities on my home page and corresponding to each one of them we have..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma dilemma There have been some discussions here about JPA entities and which hashCode equals implementation should be used for.. from lazily loaded data structures can be detected Whether entities behave correctly in detached or non persisted state As far I.. problems with dynamic proxies no problems with detached entities Override them based on the primary key hashCode equals are broken..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? focused on the real objects managed beans and or even DB entities in session or application scope. I've seen lot of codes and..
Java resource as file a directory from the classpath and list its contents files entities contained in it java resources classloader share improve..
Java: How to decode HTML character entities in Java like HttpUtility.HtmlDecode? How to decode HTML character entities in Java like HttpUtility.HtmlDecode Basically I would like..
Is there a way to expose Hibernate Entities as RESTful resources without DTOs? there a way to expose Hibernate Entities as RESTful resources without DTOs I am developing a simple..
Hibernate generating SQL queries when accessing associated entity's id when accessing associated entity's id I have Hibernate Entities that look something like this getters and setters left out @Entity..
Generic JSF entity converter I thought I'd create an Abstract Entity and have all Entities extend it. Then create a Custom Converter for the Abstract Entity.. the Abstract Entity and use it as the converter for all Entities. Does that sound sensible and or practicable Would it make more..
No autodetection of JPA Entities in maven-verify autodetection of JPA Entities in maven verify If I put the persistence.xml in the src test.. in the src test META INF folder autodetection the Entities does not work with maven verify. When the persistence.xml is..
Generate JPA 2 Entities from existing Database JPA 2 Entities from existing Database How can I generate JPA2 compliant @Entity.. You can refer to the documentation section 3.11 Generating Entities from Tables . I do not know of any specific vendor independent..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool JPA you are moving up that logic into your business layer. Entities are basically all or nothing. Now that's not strictly true...
Hibernate using JPA (annotated Entities) and liquibase using JPA annotated Entities and liquibase liquibase is a perfect alternative to hibernate's..
Spring 3 MVC: one-to-many within a dynamic form (add/remove on create/update) employer has many employees an employee has one employer. Entities @Entity @Table name employer public class Employer..