java Programming Glossary: elementname
Array of Classes NullPointerException This is Element class public class Element private String elementName private int atomicNumber private String Symbol private double.. public Element public String getElementName return elementName public int getAtomicNumber return atomicNumber public String.. return atomicWeight public void setElementName String elementName this.elementName elementName public void setAtomicNumber int..
JAXB Marshalling Objects with java.lang.Object field for JAXB to marshal to XML. Try something like QName elementName new QName ... supply element name here JAXBElement jaxbElement.. element name here JAXBElement jaxbElement new JAXBElement elementName mpd.getClass mpd ti.setDataObject jaxbElement share improve..
How to log into Facebook programmatically using Java? com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ElementNotFoundException elementName form attributeName name attributeValue login_form at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage.getFormByName..
What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java? parameterString appendWithDelimiter parameterString elementName if anotherCondition parameterString appendWithDelimiter parameterString.. feels much more elegant parameterArray parameterArray elementName if condition parameterArray anotherElementName if anotherCondition..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically ret private String getXMLElementValue String xml String elementName if xml.indexOf elementName 0 return xml.substring xml.indexOf.. String xml String elementName if xml.indexOf elementName 0 return xml.substring xml.indexOf elementName elementName.length.. xml.indexOf elementName 0 return xml.substring xml.indexOf elementName elementName.length 1 xml.lastIndexOf elementName 2 else return..
How to escape a single quote from within a JSP? dsp param value CommerceItems name array dsp param name elementName value CommerceItem dsp oparam name outputStart var itemNameList..