java Programming Glossary: ellipse2d.float
Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge comp2D Graphics2D comp comp2D.setColor Ellipse2D.Float sign1 new Ellipse2D.Float 0F 0F 350F 350F comp2D.fill sign1.. comp comp2D.setColor Ellipse2D.Float sign1 new Ellipse2D.Float 0F 0F 350F 350F comp2D.fill sign1 java swing drawing circle..
Override Swing Nimbus L&F primary color per component instance 0 0 0 0 0 0 private Ellipse2D ellipse new Ellipse2D.Float 0 0 0 0 All Colors used for painting are stored here. Ideally.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 private Ellipse2D ellipse new Ellipse2D.Float 0 0 0 0 All Colors used for painting are stored here. Ideally..
make a button round if shape null shape.getBounds .equals getBounds shape new Ellipse2D.Float 0 0 getWidth getHeight return shape.contains x y Test routine...
paintComponent () never executes on a JFrame squareX squareY squareW squareH Shape circle new Ellipse2D.Float squareX squareY 100f 100f Graphics2D ga Graphics2D g ga.draw..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel getSize .width h getSize .height if clip Ellipse2D e new Ellipse2D.Float w 4.0f h 4.0f w 2.0f h 2.0f Rectangle2D r null if isSlider .. Rectangle r new Rectangle w 4 h 4 w 4 h 4 Ellipse2D r new Ellipse2D.Float w 4.0f h 4.0f wi 2.0f hi 2.0f g2.clip r g2.setColor