java Programming Glossary: ellipse2d.double
Java - How to draw a transparent shape using a Graphics object g? in size BNI int w imageBG.getWidth int h imageBG.getHeight Ellipse2D.Double ellipse1 new Ellipse2D.Double w 16 h 16 7 w 8 7 h 8 Ellipse2D.Double.. int h imageBG.getHeight Ellipse2D.Double ellipse1 new Ellipse2D.Double w 16 h 16 7 w 8 7 h 8 Ellipse2D.Double ellipse2 new Ellipse2D.Double.. ellipse1 new Ellipse2D.Double w 16 h 16 7 w 8 7 h 8 Ellipse2D.Double ellipse2 new Ellipse2D.Double w 4 h 4 w 2 h 2 Area circle new..
How does one properly handle keypresses and repainting of a JComponent in the context of moving a ball around a screen? true class BallComponent extends JComponent private Ellipse2D.Double ellipse private double x 225 private double y 225 private ActionPress.. component Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g this.ellipse new Ellipse2D.Double x y 50 50 g2d.fill this.ellipse private class ActionPress extends.. void actionPerformed ActionEvent event y y 10 ellipse new Ellipse2D.Double x y 50 50 repaint java swing jpanel paintcomponent share..
Clicking on a drawn object Rectangle2D.Double 50 100 200 100 private Shape cirlce new Ellipse2D.Double 260 100 100 100 private Dimension dim new Dimension 450 300..
Get mouse detection with a dynamic shape r.nextInt w x int hE r.nextInt h y Ellipse2D ellipse new Ellipse2D.Double x y wE hE shapes.add ellipse l new JLabel new ImageIcon img..
Java - MouseListener Action Event in paintComponent public Color getColor return color class MyBall extends Ellipse2D.Double int xspeed 1 int yspeed 1 Color color private final int maxWidth..
Pacman open/close mouth animation Area getPacManShape double jaws Area area new Area new Ellipse2D.Double 0d 0d size size double x1 size 2 2d size Math.cos jaws 2d double..
Collision detection with complex shapes ImageIcon img x w 2 y h 2 circle obstacles 0 new Area new Ellipse2D.Double 40 40 30 30 int xTriangle 330 360 345 int yTriangle 60 60 40.. x xDelta y yDelta int s 15 Area player new Area new Ellipse2D.Double x y s s Acid test of edge collision if doAreasCollide player..
Line crosses Rectangle - how to find the cross points? line rect for Point2D p ps if p null g2d.fill new Ellipse2D.Double p.getX 4 p.getY 4 8 8 g2d.dispose public Point2D getIntersectionPoint..
Can't transparent and undecorated JFrame in JDK7 when enabling nimbus 0 break case 3 iris out if count r Shape shape new Ellipse2D.Double x count y count 2 r count 2 r count window2.setShape shape..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics for int y 0 y 8 y g2.setColor model x y Ellipse2D e new Ellipse2D.Double 40 x STEP 45 y STEP STEP 3 STEP 3 g2.fill e g2.setColor Color.GRAY..
JFreechart series tool tip above shape annotation plot.getRenderer renderer.setBaseShapesVisible true Ellipse2D.Double circle new Ellipse2D.Double X X 20 20 renderer.addAnnotation.. true Ellipse2D.Double circle new Ellipse2D.Double X X 20 20 renderer.addAnnotation new XYShapeAnnotation circle..
Smoothing a jagged path size 2 2 size 10 a.subtract new Area r int radius size 10 Ellipse2D.Double c new Ellipse2D.Double size 2 radius size 2 radius 2 radius.. new Area r int radius size 10 Ellipse2D.Double c new Ellipse2D.Double size 2 radius size 2 radius 2 radius 2 radius a.subtract new..
How to set same scale for domain and range axes JFreeChart XYShapeAnnotation unitCircle new XYShapeAnnotation new Ellipse2D.Double 1 1 2 2 new BasicStroke 1.0f BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER.. XYShapeAnnotation unitCircle new XYShapeAnnotation new Ellipse2D.Double 1 1 2 2 new BasicStroke 1.0f BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER..
How can I put axis on a .png file in java? random new Random private static final Shape circle new Ellipse2D.Double 3 3 6 6 private static final Color line Color.gray private ChartPanel..